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Category: Studio, Still, & Personal Portraiture Photography

Photography Question 

Bobby R. Strange

Outfit Changes...

Hi all. I was thinking about an upcoming senior shoot I have and it got me curious about how all of you on-location portrait photographers handle outfit changes. If you have a senior who wants multiple outfit changes and you're going to be shooting at multiple locations, where do they change? Or do you just limit them to 1 outfit?

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November 22, 2009

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Each situation is different. If it's a rural location, I afford the model some privacy if needed. To protect myself, I always insist on a parent being along for the shoot. You have to figure out want works best for your location.

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November 21, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Bobby,
I have backed up against a brick building next to another car and when you open your car door, you have created a door-curtain (blocking the view to the student on all sides) that will work in a pinch if a gas-station/restaurant bathroom is not close by. They can also wear tight fitting undergarment (spande shorts, sports bras, etc..) to prevent themselves from being exposed to the public if you are out in a park or the countryside.
Most Senior shooters I know including myself charge by the time and not by how many outfit changes they make. They just have to realize that the more time they spend changing, the less they have for actual shooting but we are usually talking about just a few minutes anyway.
Most portrait shooters are pretty flexible concerning the number of outfits as they want to make their customers happy and get the best shoot they can.
And I totally agree with Dennis - have the parent(s) with you for the shoot since they are also the ones usually paying for it (to keep the shoot moving along) but more importantly, to oversee the decisions & welfare of their child.
Have fun,

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November 23, 2009


Bobby R. Strange
  Thanks for the response, guys!

Yeah, I always have a parent/guardian present when I'm shooting anyone under 18. That, to me, is a no brainer, lol.

I'd never thought of the "door-curtain", but I do try to suggest locations near restaurants/gas stations/etc when possible. I also had never thought of the tight fitting undergarments.

I've never charged for outfit changes, but more for the time. Though I am bad about telling them it will be a 2 hour session but then going 3 hours just because I am having so much fun shooting, lol.

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November 23, 2009


Sarah G
  I suspect that if you found yourself in a spot where there was no place to change, a mother of a teenage daughter would kiss the ground you walk on if you pulled out one of these things for them to use. However, you probably won't want to go this far with the issue. There is such a thing as as a "Deluxe Mobile Changing Room."

I've seen them too. They're good if you've got to have some place to change and there isn't any place. They are easy to set up and fairly compact and light to carry around. Never owned one though, so I don't know how well they'd hold up.

I've also done business with the company selling them on Amazon. They are prompt with orders. They have their own website --

If you're interested, go there, type in "Deluxe Mobile Changing Room" on their search engine and you will find 6 reviews of the product.

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November 23, 2009


Bobby R. Strange
  Wow, I didn't even know something like that existed, lol. Thanks, Sarah. That's definitely something to consider.

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November 24, 2009


Wendy C. Goeckner
  Because I drive separately, the senior usually does some quick changes in his/her car (with a parent driving, of course)! Often, the senior just has shirt/top changes, and the girls will wear a camisole underneath, so they just change outdoors, and the boys don't need privacy usually. I have also had parents bring a large blanket and surround the teen girl if she is changing into a dress. I do request a parent or other relative/friend attend the session.

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November 24, 2009


Paul W. Anderson
  Hi Bobby,

You could stop at a gas station that has restrooms or a fast-food restaurant and have them change between locations. Or invest in some PVC pipe and connectors and build a portable dressing room.


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November 24, 2009


Sarah G
  Well, there are even more ways...two or maybe you just need one folded sheet(s) sewn together with a place for the head and loose enough to move around in. You can do a lot of changing wearing something like that. It doesn't necesarily need holes for arms. Make it a DARK COLORED sheet and it would not be see through.

Super large t-shirts work for someone not super large. Walmart men's section/craft stores and buy it in black.

Those two ways would be a really cheap and compact way to meet the Boy Scout motto of "Always be prepared" and could afford a little more privacy in a location without much.

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November 24, 2009

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