BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Studio, Still, & Personal Portraiture Photography

Photography Question 

Susan Wilkins

Studio On-Site Background Choice

I have agreed to shoot portraits at a hospital event for new mothers and their babies (0-12 months). I have white, taupe and black canvas backgrounds and red, blue, and white paper background. Does anyone have a suggestion for best background choice? Second question is for posing: Is there a quick sure-fire pose that would work well for moms and infants? I am taking studio lights - probably 2 rather than 3. Thanks!

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October 19, 2009


John H. Siskin
  Hi Susan,
I like a mottled gray and then I can use a light on the gray to change the color or density. Given your choices, I would go with the taupe. I would also take the extra light - not only is it good for the background, it is just good to have back-up. You might want to look at this article on backgrounds:
In terms of posing: mother holding infant to chest is a classic. Used in Western art since there was Western art.
Good luck!

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October 19, 2009


Susan Wilkins
  Thanks for the info. I had narrowed down my choice to either white or taupe. Taupe is good. It really isn't any trouble to take 3 lights so I'll do that, also. This first event is expected to be small but will build as the plan to have one every quarter with approx 1600 women/babies invited. I'm sure I'll learn on a few and hope to be successful enough to be invited to each program. I am also allowed a vendor table free
of charge. Thanks again!

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October 20, 2009


John H. Siskin
  Hi Susan,
Sounds like a great opportunity. Good Luck!
John Siskin

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October 20, 2009

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