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Category: Printing Digital Pictures

Photography Question 

Clayton T. Williams

Matting Prints for Odd Sizes

Anyone have any suggestions on what size to mat a 10x15 with or a 10x20? What size would they look good matted with? Basically, I am trying to frame these "odd sizes" by matting them into a more common size.

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May 14, 2010


Lynn R. Powers
  Hi Clayton,
Your 10X15 prints will fit a 16X20 mat very nicely. I actually stretch my photos to 10 1/2 X 15 3/4 and they still look very good. As far as the 10x20, it is so far off from the standard sizes only a custom matte will work. Don't worry about it. Only the uninformed will not realize that it needs a custom frame. I feel that you are doing the right thing by cropping to best suit the photograph and not the standard mat. I have one photo that is 5 1/2 X 16 and needs a 10 1/2 X 20 mat that I have sold three times.
If you are doing the framing, the small bit of extra cost is worth the price. Let the customer get the frame that best goes with his/her home or taste.
I hope that you are using backboards for your matted photos. It looks a lot more professional when you do and lessens the chance for damage to the matte and print.

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May 14, 2010


Clayton T. Williams
  Thanks for your answer. I have tried cropping to fit standard sizes, and I am just not happy doing that because I shoot through the viewfinder and not with a preconceived thought to crop. What do you mean by using backboards? I mount my photos to masonite before I matte and/or frame, if this is what you are talking about. Again. Thanks for the answers. I will try the 16x20.

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May 16, 2010


Allen M. Aisenstein
  I suggest matting out your photo to the next larger "standard'size" avilable frame. That way your customer has the option of avoiding the "high" cost of custom framing. The difference in price can be huge. This has always worked for me.

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May 18, 2010


Amanda Haddox
  I ordered 20 (10 white and 10 black) 11x16 mats with the inside window cut for a 10x15 print from Randy at Bux 1 Matting for $100.00 shipped. You can contact Randy if you are interested at

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May 18, 2010


Clayton T. Williams
  Thanks for the feedback. Anyone else have solutions I would greatly appreciate hearing it. All these ideas work great. Thanks Allen A. I am really trying to keep my customer from having to custom frame their prints.

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May 18, 2010

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