BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Scanning Photos and the Digital Darkroom

Photography Question 

William H. Parker

Cleaning 35m Slides and Negatives

What are the best materials for cleaning 35mm slides and film prior to scanning? And what's the best procedure for doing so?

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December 22, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  There is a solution created for this particular purpose which will clean fingerprints and such. You can learn about it at this link:

Personally, I simply brush both sides of my slides with a dry Q-Tip. Brush in one direction, toward the darkest part of the image. Then, I'll give each side a blast with a can of compressed air to remove residual cotton hairs the brushing may have left.
Stubborn spots, scratches, etc., can be removed with a software program such as Digital ICE.

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December 22, 2004

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