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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital To Transparencies?


I have the opportunity to submit some of my pics for possible publication. Problem is, they require submissions to be transparencies.

I'm sort of new to this. Are transparencies really slides?

If so, is there somewhere I can take my .JPG files and have them made into traditional slides?

Thanks and best regards

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January 08, 2004


Chris L. Hurtt

Yes, transparencies are slides. What format did you shoot in? Print film or digital? There are ways to have a slide made, but it is very costly. I don't know of a place where you can get it done right off. You might want to try calling Calypso Imaging. Their site is

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January 09, 2004

- Shirley D. Cross-Taylor

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor's Gallery
  Hi Kim. If you have a good quality print of the photo you need a slide of, you can either take slide photos of that print yourself, or have an expert do it. Check with your local art association for someone who knows how to do this, since artists of all kinds need slides of their work on a regular basis. This is something I do myself for our local artists.

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January 13, 2004


Kim A. Liner
  Hi Kim. What if you took your pics to a lab, on disk, and have some prints made. Then you can photograph prints(or have photographed with an SLR camera) using slide film? If the conditions are set up properly, lighting, focus, etc., your chances for success are exceptional. Good luck. Kim

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January 14, 2004


Robert Bridges

If your images are in digital format only you have a problem. Resolution from a transparency is around 70 - 140 mp. To out put that kind of resolution (of which you are competing against for publication) is gonna be impossible if you start with less then a 15 mp raw file. Best you can do is get the best print you possibly can and have either a pro lab or a professional photographer who does art work make slides from the work......even so you will still be dealing with second or third generation
images and the editors will know. Best advice - tell them they are digital files only and see what they say.

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January 14, 2004


Davin Edridge
  Hello All,
You require the services of someone with a 'digital film recorder'. This is a device that is connected to a computer and the digital image is sent from the computer to the digital film recorder (which ususally have a 35mm camera back with the relevant film contained within)
Depending upon where you are in the world will depend upon how available this option is to you - ask at you local photolabs or try the phone book.
I am in the process of testing a digital film recorder at the moment - if I am happy with the results - I will be offering this service. I am located on the Gold Coast Australia.

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January 15, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Hi Kim,
If you are going to be shooting for possible publication, you should consider adding a film camera and a good scanner to your photographic arsenal. Many editors still request..(or require) that submissions be in the form of fine-grain transparencies.

It's easy to produce high quality digital reproductions from a slide, but much harder..(and, I assume expensive), to go the other way.
As mentioned before, the image degradation from a second generation slide may not be acceptable to the client.

If your digital camera has inter-changeable lens capability, you may be able to find a used camera body which accepts the same lens mount.

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January 16, 2004


Deborah K. Stokes
  There are a few magazines that I would like to submit photos to and they will only take transparencies. I noticed this was discussed in 2004. Has there been any new technology that has come out that you can take digital to transparencies for a fair price?
Thank you Deb

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