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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Dan W. Dooley

Selling prints of zoo animal shots

I looked through the archives of questions and though I may have missed one, I didn't see anything touching on this question.

Does anyone have any experience with, or thoughts on selling images of animals which have been shot at a zoo?

My practice is to always compose and process such shots so that it is not easily evident that the shot is in a zoo environment and there would be nothing present to identify the location or particular zoo.




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February 28, 2011


Monnie Ryan
  You raise an interesting question, Dan! I don't have a real answer, but my thoughts are these: On the one hand, an animal photograph that's beautifully done is beautifully done no matter where it's taken. On the other, my gut tells me if I were paying cold hard cash for it, I'd be very upset to learn after the fact that the animal was taken in captivity rather than in the wild. Other opinions???

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February 28, 2011


Dan W. Dooley
  Monnie, I guess I need to clarify somethng. When I said that I like to make the pictures appear as though they are taken in the wild, my intent is to remove those obvious clues which say "zoo". Not hiding the fact that the shot was made in a zoo, but if it's displayed in a frame on someone's wall, not having it show a fence with zoo visitors visible or something like that. I think it's very important to indicate that the image was in a captive environment but not wanting to identify the specific zoo.

The concern is whether or not a particular zoo if they somehow recognized their animal would object to having the image sold as a print.

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February 28, 2011


Dan W. Dooley
  Looking further it seems that many (most maybe) zoos have policies against commercial use of photos made on their grounds. I suspect that such rules are made very broad because it would be difficult to distinguish between those pictures which might look like they're shot on site and those which do not. Too hard to make distinctions, so they simply cover it all. I understand.

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February 28, 2011

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