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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Paula Hildy

Outdoor Artist Tent

I am in the market to buy a white outdoor artist tent with some type of mesh or panel walls for doing outdoor art shows. Any suggestions on the what brand of tent works well.

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November 17, 2010

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  I work at several festivals each year and know many vendors who use these throughout the spring-summer months at outdoor festivals, art shows, etc...
EZup & Quickshade are a couple that come to mind.
There are lots of them available so find a size, color and configuration that you like as there are wall options and some can be entirely closed up.
Hope this helps.

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November 19, 2010


Jeffrey R. Whitmoyer
  I use an EZUP and have had no problems with it. Make certain that you have weights to anchor it in wind. You can make your own. I use about 40 lbs. per corner. If you're looking for display racks, take a look at the Graphic Display Systems website. Also, sign on to the Artshow_Photo group run by Larry Berman at for some good show information.

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November 20, 2010


Thom Schoeller
  EZ UP is the Rolls Royce of tents. Go with at least a middle grade version! A few years ago I had a "First Up" tent which is really a knock- off EZ UP. Every art festival or art fair I have attended requires you to use white, so keep that in mind. (now I just peeked again at your post, you did mention white) The white softens the sunlight and doesnt add any odd tints to your artwork.

I got a great deal online at Sports Authority when I ordered my own. You couldnt pick up the "white" topper at stores, only via order.

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November 24, 2010

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