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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Tara R. Swartzendruber

Business Advice

What do you do when clients ask things like "could I see what that photo would look like with spot coloring or with other effects?" (before they decide what to buy)

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September 02, 2010

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Keep some examples, sample photos with the effects. That's a headache coming if people start thinking that they have to see the effect applied to the exact picture instead of being able to tell how it's going to look from an example. That's also part of the reason people use non-refundable deposits. You could do the effects to the actual pictures that you took of them, if it doesn't take you a long time. That could depend on you, and depend on the picture.

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September 02, 2010


Tara R. Swartzendruber
  Spot coloring is what gets me the most. I have sometimes tried to do a "quick color" on the actual photo so they can see what it will look like, but it's never really that quick if I want it to look decent. MOST of the time, the client buys the photo, but I'm wondering how people handle these types of requests.

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September 02, 2010

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  I ask them before we start what they are looking for/after. I am not in the habit of letting them see the photos until after I have had a chance to look at them. They have seen enough of my photos from my professional site to know what kind of photos I take. If they see a particular photo or effect they like, they let me know.

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September 03, 2010

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