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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Dennis Workman

Stock agencies

I am new to the stock agencies but I am getting to where I would like to find out more. Is there a fee for uploading photos for the agencies to sell? Any other suggestions for someone NEW interested in getting into the stock agencies would also be appreciated.


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October 28, 2007


Julie M. Cwik
  I was interested in stock as well a few months ago. No there is no fee (and if there is.... RUN AWAY!) there isn't much room to sell on Stock agencies because everyone with a camera can upload to those sites and no one will buy from them because there is too much "crap" to sort through for a good quality image. Then the good stock agencies (shutter stock) have very high standards (which is very good) you images need to have NO noise, sharp detail at 100% (in Photoshop)needs to be over 4MB, perfect lighting, white balance, in other words everything has to be perfect) then they will have you upload 10 of your BEST images, if 7 of 10 pass their test then your in, if not they restrict you for 30 days until you can try again. Most stock agencies don't pay that well (unless you sell hundreds of images) they will pay Pennies on the dollar. So look into all the details and READ THE FINE PRINT!
Good Luck!

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October 28, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  Dennis, Basically, Julie is correct in her answer. I have been submitting to microstock agencies for 2 1/2 years, only have a small portfolio (~280 photos), but have made to date $13,882.12, with Shutterstock being my biggest earner.

If you love photography and can shoot technically good well lighted photos, you should give it a go. I disagree with Julie that there isn't much room... there will always be room for creative shots, or even 'plain' shots that are well executed.

You can find out more about Shutterstock by clicking on the link below:

Submit Photos to Shutterstock and make $$$!

I would stay away from any agency where you pay to upload.

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November 16, 2007


Dennis Workman
  Thank you Julie and Carolina for your input and being truthfull about microstock agencies. I don't know that I even have enought of portfolio right now but probably will give it a go sometime soon.


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November 16, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  Can Stock Photo is one where you could begin with. They have good image standards so they don't get to cluttered with bad, unwanted images.
Buy & Sell Photos at


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November 19, 2007


Paul Hakimata
  Hi Dennis,

I use Dreamstime and am selling very well there. They are member of PACA and CEPIC. You can read more here: Hakimata Stock Portfolio.


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November 30, 2007

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