BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

training program

Is there any where in the world, particularly in europe or north America where I can go for a short course/ training in photography. I want to learn the gimmicks of photography so I can use it for my part-time business, specializing in taking wedding pictures/engagements and excursions.

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October 27, 2007


Richard Lynch
  There are probably places you can go, but maybe you are not aware of the courses taught right here on

There are many targeted courses that run the gammut of beginner instruction through specific studio and lighting techniques, post processing with Photoshop, and more!

Check out the 4- and 8-week course listings here:

Richard Lynch

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October 27, 2007

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Tunde, Richard is one of the many professional photographers that teach here at Better Photo. I am a student so I will give you my perspective. I had a Nikon F2 back in the late 70's but mostly used point & shoot 35mm cameras until about 6 years ago when I got into digital. I decided I wanted to make better photographs and bought a Canon 20D about 2 years ago. Thats when I learned about Better Photo and signed up for 2 classes - Paul Gero's "Digital Wedding Photography" and Jim Zuckermans "Creative techniques in Photoshop". I usually take a techniques class (composition) and a Photoshop class at the same time because I want to improve both aspects of photography & photo editing. My photography improved immediately. I feel more confident to be able to capture what I want and my skills keep improving everyday. The feedback and interaction with the teacher & other students, feels like a classroom and there is a Q&A section where we ask questions & share our experiences. The lessons & critiques are well worth the time & money. I like the teachers example photos and the ones shared by other students as they provide me with a lot of inspiration and raise the bar for me in my own pursuit to get better. I am currently taking my 7th class and will soon be signing up for a Corel Painter class to learn to turn my photos into paintings. My current class has students from the US, Norway, UK and Italy. Like Richard said, there are a mulititude of classes to choose from and I know my photography would not be as good today if I hadn't taken the ones I have.

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October 27, 2007

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