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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photography Schools in Pennsylvania

I want to pursue photography as a career. I'm mainly interested in documentary photography and fine-art photography, but have been lately considering photojournalism as well.

I have been for the longest time considering attending SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design, located in Savannah, Georgia). I grew up in the area, and have heard nothing but good things about the school and their programs - and I love the area.

However, I have some desire to move to Pennsylvania to be with my girlfriend. I would move to Pennsylvania only if I could find an art school that rivaled or surpassed SCAD. The trouble is, I know nothing about Pennsylvania, or art schools in general for that matter. How good is SCAD? How important is studying photography in college? Would I be passing up something great to take something less in Pennsylvania?

Most of all, i'm just really desperate for some knowledge of good art schools in Pennsylvania. Just as well would be some resources containing credible stuff I could research on my own.

I'm currently in a two-year college, as I dropped out of high school (maybe it matters). Also, money isn't much of a concern.

I greatly appreciate all feedback, thanks.

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October 10, 2007 - Michelle M. Peters

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michelle M. Peters
Michelle M. Peters's Gallery
  First off, Google it! In todays world this is by far the easiest search you can do. But several schools are noted for their photography programs. Off the top of my head, Tyler School of Art (Temple U.), Pennsylvania School of Visual Arts (in Phillie), and The Art Institute of Pittsburgh are just a few I can think of with notable reputations. Good Luck!

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October 11, 2007

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