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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

can i charge for photo shoots if i am an amateur?

Here is the thing, do I need a license, degree or any school to start my own photography business? Freinds and family have been telling me for years that I should make photography my career. The thing is that it has always beem my hobby. I love pictures and capturing that one that will make you smile for a lifetime. Now random strangers see my pictures and ask where I had them done. When I tell them I took it they then tell me, "You should do Photography" So if any of you know what I need to do to get started please let me know. Thanks.

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September 17, 2007


Lynn R. Powers
  You only need a license if your State or City require it. I suggest you also get an accountant to help you with your taxes. Many things you can deduct a least a portion. Create a Business Plan. Know where you are going and how to get there. Submit photos in the contests at BP and see how many get at least an Editors Pick. Become aware of what others are charging for their work and when starting you can charge a little less but stay in the same ballpark.

Good Luck

Lynn Powers

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September 18, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Bea. There have been a lot of discussions here about what's necessary to start your own photo biz. I recommend doing a search here and reading some of the threads.

While receiving encouragement from family members is a great asset in itself, there's a quite a lot to this business. It's not simply a matter of having a camera and a good eye. If you do start your own photo biz, or even work for another photographer as an assistant apprenticing, you'll likely find that maybe...maybe 20 percent of your time is spent actually shooting. The rest of the time is spent running the biz. That especially includes the ability to market yourself and self-promote, making sales presentations, meeting with prospective and current clients, planning, processing images, ad infinitim. It's NOT as glamorous a profession as you may have been led to believe and as you'll probably determine, not many get extremely wealthy in this business either. Comfortable yes. Wealthy??? Depends on your definition of wealth.

And without intending to discourage you, this is a very very competitive business. Having a broad formal education, preferably with a degree in something else you can use to earn a living is quite valuable, especially these days. For example, having a 4 year degree in journalism with a minor in photographic arts from a state university is one good combination. Trade schools may be useful to you but having background in business administration is also quite important to succeed on your own although you could just attend the school of hard knocks as some do and some do quite successfully.

As Lynn suggested too, having a flexible, well organized and thought out biz plan is really essential to surviving these days no matter what biz you chose.

There are a gazillion places to get the kind of advice you're looking for. Career counselors, SCORE (service corps of retired executives), seminars, junior college courses in business administration, and self-taught books on the subjects involved. This is a good place to learn as well. And remember, any information you can gather up as part of your own educational process is valuable for ya. Good luck !!

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September 18, 2007

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