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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Sharon Day

One Year Today - microstock

Just FYI. Today is my one year anniversary of selling my first photo on a microstock site. I have sold $1,623.50+ this past year with 750+ photos online. I am not a good example for anyone wanting to break in to microstock, but this can give people an idea of what to expect if your main subject matter is nature. While I'm not getting rich $1,623 is more than I had a year ago with them just sitting on my hard drive. If anyone has questions about microstock feel free to email me.

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September 06, 2007 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Way to go Sharon! Congratulations on your successes; you may not be paying the rent (yet!) with those funds, but you're right---the images were just sitting around, doing nothing for you, previously. Now, they've paid for some new glass, perhaps a second camera or upgrade, etc.

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September 06, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  Congrats Sharon. I appreciated your comments in another thread about how subject matter can make a difference.

After 1 1/2 years, I made $5,675.67 with less than 200 photos online.

I often shoot the medical genre, but really upload whatever I want to (infrared, and especially macro), because I love photography. My nature shots don't sell as often as more marketable themes, like education.

Most microstock photographers seem to make the most money with 'people' shots, but I keep plodding along with what I like to shoot, knowing that most folks won't/can't/choose not to do the medical genre, for example.

What's important is to shoot what you want to shoot, then work for the best quality possible. This starts with composition, knowing your camera, attention to detail in the postprocessing, etc.

This way you feel satisfied with your work, and can grow your portfolio in the time frame that makes sense for you.

I am already on a 'waitlist' for Nikon's new D3... and this will be paid for by my microstock earnings.

I still only have ~268 photos online, but to date have earned $12,353.79 from microstock... and counting.

Shutterstock is an excellent agency to start with (lots of downloads, and you can learn as you earn)...

For any BP'ers here who are interested, click on the link below:

Submit Photos to Shutterstock and make $$$!

You can see the types of shots I submit by looking at my BP website.

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September 09, 2007


Carolyn L. Fox
  Congratulations, Sharon. I think you're doing great.

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September 20, 2007


Sharon Day
  Thanks, Carolina & Carolyn!

Carolina, my husband had a staph infection in his knee earlier this year so I took some shots of his iv equipment. Those have sold steadily since I put them up on the site. I wish I had a lot more like them.

I do not shoot people either. I'm skeptical that the sexy photos do well which I would not offer regardless. People in business settings I have a feeling do best, but I prefer to stick to nature. I am not sure I would even be good at people photography.

You are so right about shooting what you enjoy. I have tried my hand at studio shots of food and really don't like it.

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September 20, 2007


Carolina K. Smith

Most of all, I am glad your husband got over his infection. Those can be really nasty.

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September 21, 2007


Sharon Day
  Thank you, Carolina! It was a pretty bad infection and he had to have surgery to remove the bursa (?) as well as being off work a month. He's fine now for which I'm thankful.

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September 21, 2007


Carolina K. Smith

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September 21, 2007

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