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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Michelle N. Russell

Proof Sheets

Does anyone use proof sheets? I like them myself but don't know how to go about making one for a client. Please let me know if you use a program, if a developer makes them for you, etc.


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September 05, 2007


robert G. Fately
  Michelle, if you are talking about digital images, then you can make proofsheets using programs like iView MediaPro (now called Miscrosoft Expression after they were purchased by the folks in Redmond). I'm sure that other similar DAM (Digital Asset Management) programs offe the same feature.

With iView, you can choose how many rows and columns you want on the proof sheet, as well as file names, comments etc. that you might want to include.

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September 05, 2007


Craig m. Zacarelli
  same as photoshop its under Automate.. I believe.. or look under file all the way at the bottom, it might say contact sheet.

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September 05, 2007


Marianne Fortin
  I notice you use a Canon camera so you should have Canon's Digital Photo Professional software. You can print a contact sheet using DPP. Not sure if it is exactly what you require, but you might want to check it out.

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September 06, 2007


Michelle N. Russell
  Thank you everyone! I'll look into it more over the weekend, but this is a great start!

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September 06, 2007

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