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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 


Where/How to print photos

I am in the beginning stages of starting my own studio. I'm looking for a good lab to print my work. Such as, Mpix or I would also like to find a place that offers online proofing or at least a way to that clients can view their photos online. Does anyone have any suggestions or personal experiences to share?? All help is welcome! Thanks in advance!

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September 04, 2007


Richard Lynch
I assume since you are considering an online service that you are using digital images? It pretty much opens the door to using any number of services. However, don't be fooled into thinking that all services are alike or have the same equipment.

I use a local service, partly because they are local, and partly because I get excellent quality, and partly because I like the equipment they use. I was using them before I considered printing on the web, and use them now as they maintain quality services. Their website isn't really pretty...but they do the right work. See:

I advocate, however, looking into a local service that will accept your digital files, and that will print them on a light-process printer (CRT, LED, or laser [not the toner kind]). These printers expose photographic paper and develop the images with better archival and quality results than even the best inkjets.

I hope that helps!

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September 04, 2007 - Michelle M. Peters

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michelle M. Peters
Michelle M. Peters's Gallery
  mpix for prints...pictage for online client services

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September 04, 2007


  In regard to pictage: Do you allow clients to order their own prints through pictage? Or does the client have to go through you to place an order?

I would prefer to have the client go through me to place their order. I'm just not sure if I like the idea of having prints go directly from the lab to the client without me being able to see them.

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September 04, 2007


Craig m. Zacarelli
  Smug mug is the way to go here, you can create seperate, password protected gallieries for each job, you can customize the look of the whole site, you can sell right through the sit 9you dont touch a single print) and you set all the pricing. I use em, and love em.. look at my page but,, you gotta buy the pro site, definetly worth every cent.. Smug mug is probably the best company I have EVER delt with, both proffessional and the best customer service I can find!

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September 05, 2007


John G. Clifford Jr
  Another choice that is highly recommended by many pro photographers is White House Custom Colour (

I would also ask if you have considered printing yourself? This would require you getting a good photo printer. If you're sticking with a dSLR, then a 13" wide printer is all you need. You might want to consider either the Epson R1800 (for color printing) or the R2400 (for color printing on matte paper, and for black and white printing).

If your business tends toward things like Little League team photography, then a lab would be the best approach. If you are mainly doing portraiture, then consider making your own prints.

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September 06, 2007


Karen Q
  Hi, I just wanted to say that I use WHCC for my print orders and they are GREAT!!! I couldn't be happier with them! Amazing color and quality!

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September 08, 2007


Tim G. Stout
  M-PIX does a pretty nice job. I Used to send alot of my work to their Pro Lab in Pittsburg KS, which is Miller's. When I have work done now I send it to CPQ in Cleveland TN and they do an awesome job. They are set up so that you can work with them totally online and they are great at whhat they do.

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September 17, 2007


David A. Bliss
  I am with Richard on this. I use a local lab for my prints for a few reasons.

First, they do a spectacular job for me. When I compare their prints other labs, theirs always look better.

Second, they know me. When I come in, they know who I am and what my print order is. Along with that, they don't mind answering any questions, or going over the prints with me, or even reprinting if there has been a problem.

Third, they are local (and not a chain). I always prefer to give my business to locals.

Fourth, they have color corrected some of my files when I have missed something. While that can be seen as "messing with my art," I have yet to be disappointed with what they have done.

There is something about sending my images to some online print shop that seems so impersonal to me, and I haven't gotten comfortable with it. Not to say it is right, it is just my hangup. I think it might go back to my film days when I would pick up the slides, and then walk over to the light table and look them over. I guess it keeps at least some of the "physical" of shooting that has gone away with digital. Maybe I am just weird... ;-)

They also do mail order prints if that is the direction you wish to go, so I am going to give the link, since it is important to me to suggest businesses I like!
Colorado Camera

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September 17, 2007


Diane Dupuis
  I also use Smugmug and have to say I love it!!! The unlimited space, the passworded galleries - they are the best!

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September 17, 2007

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