BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Fawn M. Schutt

lient Trouble!

Okay, so I photgraphed a wedding on the 11th of August and I have been editing them since and just recently the clients have been complaining about it taking too long (I wish they would try sifting through over 1,500 photos and editing them!) and the don't want me to get them printed, (like we arranged) and they don't want my tiny copyright in the corner. I have no idea what to do! They want them soon, and I am at my wits end! Should I let them get them printed without the copyright? Or should I insist that I get it printed (even though shipping rates to canada are insane!) and they have my copyright? I need to know ASAP! Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention, this is for my cousion... HELP ME!!!!!!

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August 29, 2007


John H. Siskin
  Hi Fawn,
If it is family you probably can’t win, unless you are willing to star in a family feud. I suppose you could try sending a small group of images to take the heat off, but if this was my family this wouldn’t work very well. The one thing you can get from this experience is an excuse to NEVER SHOOT ANOTHER WEDDING FOR FAMILY. I also found this out the hard way, nothing like being blamed for doing a good dead.
Good luck! John Siskin

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August 29, 2007


Samuel Smith
500 would have been plenty for a 3 hour wedding.
and how long did you tell them it would take?
in a normal wedding it seems you were taking a shot every 2 seconds?
what would you expect?

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August 29, 2007

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