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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Where to professionally publish a photo book?

I was a photographer in Iraq and I'd like to create a book of my work that could be purchased on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. I realize there are a slew of vanity presses out there and the market is loaded with the likes of Shutterfly and, but I want this to be polished and not look cheap. Of course, I'm willing to pay for the bells and whistles. The only thing I don't want is a poor product. Does anybody recommend a publisher/press?

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August 27, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Fred.
Yeah, I recommend Writers Digest Press for their book called "Photographer's Market". Start sending out query letters to large publishing houses and avoid vanity press publishers. In other words, if you want to play baseball with the big guys, get a mitt and get in the game.

Also, are you well-versed enough in the publishing business to know what would constitute a good vs. "poor product"? If not, you probably don't want a vanity press anyway because you won't likely know whether they're intending to do a good job publishing your work or not. Right? Find a really good publisher. You won't regret spending the energy to do that.
Take it light ;>)

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August 28, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Whoops. Forgot something.

If you were on an assignment in Iraq, talk to your editor first and review your employment arrangement with them. They might have a right of first refusal on publishing your work any way.

If you were like a bystander over there doing something else, then you're essentially on your own and my initial response applies.
Okie dokie?

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August 28, 2007

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