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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Jared L. Loftus

Where do I start?

I am 14 and I live in a small town. I know my photo's are not yet good enough to sell but I would like to know where to start anyway.

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July 22, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  You already have. You've started here by asking a question. Keep asking questions, teach yourself, post your work here, ask us to critique it, practice with your friends, work on a yearbook or school paper staff, and enjoy the experience of learning.
Take it light ;>)

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July 22, 2007


Vickie Burt
  Keep practising Jared. Dont be scared to ask questions, and read all you can on photography. Look at other photographer's work, and see what makes for a good photo, and then try to incorporate some of their ideas into your own pictures.

Keep reading BetterPhoto, and as Mark said, enjoy your hobby. It's all about having fun!

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July 22, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  You are young that is a huge place to start! I started around your age and didn't take it as seriously as I wish I should have. I ended up taking a year off, didn't shoot as much, didn't learn more, etc...

Here are my suggestions: Get good on a computer. Get good at Photoshop! Get yourself a free Myspace page just for your work not for personal use! Be safe with it, you know there are a ton of sickos out there and you heard the horror stories. I think the Myspace would be helpful simply because when creating and modifying your myspace page, you essentially learn HTML, CSS and other web design code so you could eventually use that knowledge to make yourself your own personal website.

Look up and research as much as possible. You hear a photographer on this site mention something that you have no clue what it means, google it and learn about it!

As long as you don't go on photography forums with starting the Nikon Vs. Canon posts or "What camera should I get?" in the thread titles and only post on serious issues or questions you may have then you will be all set. I bought books but could have saved a ton just researching online.

Granted, just because someone has a website doesn't make them a photography expert so get a couple different opinions before coming to a conclusion.

You are young, be versatile and shoot anything. From your relatives birthday parties to landscapes, animals and maybe even a local band playing in your area.

Get in the yearbook comity in school or create a photography club so you can do work for them (and maybe get some equipment lent to you)

Otherwise, you are stuck without gear...
I would suggest going digital from the start but film cameras would be a great starting point to learn the basics because without the knowledge, your photos just won't turn out!

Parents can be cool! Do chores, earn money ask for equipment for holidays and birthdays or see if they will front your some cash for intro equipment for you. A starter SLR camera like a Nikon D40x-D80 or a Canon Rebel xti to a Canon 20D or 30D that allows for interchangeable lenses and gives you the option to set the shutter speed, aperture and ISO!

I was 18 when I went digital. I basically asked my parents to rack up their credit with about $2500 worth of gear (I taught karate and trained someone who took a liking to my teaching style and was a manager of a local camera store who hooked me up big time!) I got a Nikon D100, memory card, 28-105mm lens and a 3 piece JTL intro strobe light kit and backdrop. I booked my karate school and a hockey league to do their individual and class/team photos and paid off the parents by the time the bill was due with profit!

Best of luck and it is nice to see you take your first steps into photography.

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July 24, 2007

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