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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Lisa B. North

Fees for marketing

Hi...You guys are great and I hope you can guide me on this. I am trying to start out small and took someone's advice on BP to do photo greeting cards in my area. I have had great response. And today I got an e-mail that said this: "Your gorgeous sunset photo of Candlewood Lake - is it available for use in marketing materials? We have a client who is developing a community in Newtown, and fell in love with your photo. They'd like to use it as one image in a slide
show tour to be shown in their sales center."

My question is...what kind of charge would I ask for regarding this kind of use? I know it's not going on a bill board, but I don't want to give it away. Any advice would be so very appreciated! Thanks! Lisa

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July 20, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  This type of question has been addressed here about a gazillion times.

The short answer is consider the long-term value to the firm of using your image, the fact that they'll probably use it in collateral materials (including a billboard at some point) to promote their slide show and then you can't sell it as "first north american rights" as for stock work any longer after you sell it to them; and conisder joining a professional association and attending local chapter meetings to find out how pros would do this or buy a book on selling stock photography for advertising.

At least they asked. But remember, if they're using an agency or agent, they can afford to pay standard commercial rates for usage. Don't let them snow ya.
Take it light. ;>)

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July 22, 2007


Lisa B. North
  Hi Mark,

I appreciate your response and would have gone on to read the forum questions already posed, but I was at my mother's on vacation and her computer is slow as molasses so I thought it would be better to post my own question as I have to talk to these people tomorrow and I just returned home this evening.

I will keep this all in mind when talking to them and will feel them out. And now, thanks to you, I have my own firing points to come back at them with. Thanks again! You are a real treasure of info! I see you out there all the time!


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July 22, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Lisa ! You're quite welcome. I thought I'd also mention one other thing in terms of having something to bargain with. Don't ask them for photo credit in exchange for xyz dollars. While I'm sure you'd love to see your name in print next to your work (or up in lights on a slide show), traditionally, photo credit just isn't given in advertising work. If they offer it, they're probably rank amateurs and I'd start sniffing their offer real well for bovenis excrementis.

I don't mean to sound negative but it's the reality of this business. I've said this before here many times one way or another, in that if someone approaches you to buy your work for advertising (or asks to use it for free a charity of some kind) always, and I mean ALWAYS think about what it's worth to the people asking. And don't discount your work just to have it used. That not only devalues you as a person but the profession as a whole, even if you're not a professional. And I'm talking about any type of work that you're compensated for, whether weddings, stock photography, portraiture, any type of photographic work.
Take it light.
Hi to Mom . :>))

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July 22, 2007


Lisa B. North
  Thanks again, Mark! At this point, I don't care so much about having my name next to photo as I am about getting paid correctly! We'll see what happens!


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July 23, 2007

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