BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

K Aune

Selling a photo

Can anyone give me any info on selling a photo and how that works for copyright? I was contacted by a company who wants to use one of my photos on their gift certificates. Since it would be my first sale, I really don't care about the money but more about the credit. Should I ask that credit be given if possible or should I have my copyright on the file I send to them? I want to make it as easy as possible for them. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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July 19, 2007


Joan Bellinger
  Care about the money! If you get the milk for free, why buy the cow? How large is this company? Local, national, international? Do they regularly change the photos on their gift certificates or will your photo be with them for a long time to come? Just a couple of things to consider before pricing can be deicided.

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July 19, 2007

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