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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Leo Fremonti

how do I get my work noticed?

I'm only 14 and I'M trying to get my work noticed. any suggestions?

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July 18, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  Ok, you're only 14, but you're off to a good start. But, as I looked at the pictures in your gallery, I was struck by several things:

1. You must be sure you're image is properly focused. "Sneaky Snake" - use a small aperture [f/11 or f/6] to maximize Depth of Field, thereby bringing the whole snake into focus.

2. Apple - same comment.

3. Peacock - seriously, everyone shoots this and, as such, it's has no originality even though it's a good shot. You must strive to create something different, something that stands alone.

4. Sunflower. Too centered. Consider using Rule of Thirds.

5. Red Legged Frog. Don't really see "red" legs and you cut the rear legs off. Watch composition - look at the entire picture. I agree with focusing on the eyes but, I''d like more Depth of Field.

6. Reflection. A really boring image; there's no real subject. Good exposure and use of polarizer.

7. Red Baron. A great shot. Try cropping some of the non-essential top of the image.

8. Out of focus. Boring, because there's no real subject.

9. Sunset [Trees} I like this image, wish it had been taken a few minutes earlier so that the clouds would have been brighter.

10. Spring Leaves. Boring. Flare hurts image.

Leo, I'm a tough critic. Members of my camera club know I want them ruthlesly evaluate their work before entering a picture in one of our contests. My critiques of your pictures are exactly what I do when I judged one of our competition.

The problem with the comments given on most pictures posted on BP is that folks don't want to hurt a maker's feelings. But, it's only through constructive criticism - with comments on what might be tried next time, will a maker learn. And, that's what a new, young photogrpaher should expect from anyone that comments on your work.

With experience, you will improve - and, ultimately, you will be noticed. Everything good happen to him who waits.

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July 18, 2007


Vanessa Rabayda
  Wow, John, talking about a touch critic person! lol

However, I do agree with what you say.
Most of the comments given here in BP by others are way too nice and never really constructive critism.
If everyone keeps telling you how great your work is, you will continue on that path, thinking is the best you can do.

But when you are struck with the rough truth, and after you are done being hurt, you will work towards bettering yourself and your photos.

As a matter of fact, Leo, a lot of people PAY for the type of constructive critics that John here gave you for free.
The good thing is that you are young, and you have aspirations, and a great camera in your hands!
Read a couple of books, take a couple of classes, or seminars, and best of all, go out and shoot (and have fun).

A very VERY good book that taught me a lot about my own camera (but it also works with many out there), plus it taught me about depth of field, perspective, lighting, rule of thirds, apperture, shutter speed, and all the great photography lingo is "40 Digital Photography Techniques" by John Kim. Look it up in
I got an used (but just like new-condition) one for $1

Good luck!

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July 20, 2007


Pete H
  Hello Leo,

Take a look at the thread link below.

Your term "getting noticed" carries many possible definitions.
What do you mean by "getting noticed?"

There are photos that get the ooohs & ahhs and there are photos that people pay for..There are photos for YOUR enjoyment etc..etc...

All the best,


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July 20, 2007


Craig m. Zacarelli
  the only thing John said that I dissagree on is the sunflower.. considering , it looks to me as you were going more for an Abstract look, and being that the whole flower does fill the frame, I think avoiding the rule of thirds in this case is fine.. if not youd have either alot of "Dead" frame around the subject or some possibly ugly or not so pleasing distractions on the sides top and bottom.. but, I could also be wrong.

Anyhow... onto getting seen, go get some nice looking but inexpensife frames, make some peints and go see if you can get local business to hang them for you... maybe post office, twon hall, resturaunts or diners.(not Mcdonalds and burger king) barber shop, hair salon... you know, where people might actually see them.

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July 20, 2007


Joan Bellinger
  HI Leo! Don't forget about your school. Take note as to what's hanging in the main office, guidance counselor's office and teacher's lounges if you can for possibilities.

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July 20, 2007


Leo Fremonti
  thanks for suggestions everyone!

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July 23, 2007

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