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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Carolyn Withem

Business Name on the front of photo's

Could someone please advise me on this situation that I have come up against?
I did a shoot for a family. It went wonderful. Got about 50 really great photo's. After I touched them up and made them look great I put them on a cd with low resolution enough to preview on a computer or tv. The clients loved them as well as the family members. They ordered 4x6's of quite a few. When I gave them to them they didn't like the fact that my name was on the front of the photo's, even tho it was placed tactfully in a way that would not be disruptive to the photo. The lady is pregnant and is wishing for me to do newborn pictures as well. I didn't want to upset her so I agreed to take my name off the photo's. This however bothers me alot. What is the most professional way to handle this and what is the legal way to go about this in the future? And are their any books on this subject I could look for and read up on? Thank you in advance. Carolyn

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July 16, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  I don't see what the problem is. It isn't illegal to sell prints without your name. ??

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July 16, 2007


Carolyn Withem
  Thanks Ariel for your insight. I have found the answer to the question I was asking last night in BP's archives.

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July 17, 2007


Craig m. Zacarelli
  alot of printers can do back printing...putting the name on the backs.. I have my web site on the backs of mine. I used to put a sig on all mine too but.. no more.. I think, as do most, its kinda cheesey.. look around at peoples wedding albums and portrait shots, most dont have a sig on them.and any shots you enter or submit.. will not be used unless the sig is gone.

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July 17, 2007


Carolyn Withem
  Thank you Craig. I dont' think my printer can do that, I will, however, check the manual again. Have a wonderful day :)

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July 17, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  You can always print your name on the back side of the photo paper before printing the photos.

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July 17, 2007


Carolyn Withem
  Now that is very creative. I will give that a try. Thank you :)

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July 17, 2007


Carolyn Withem
  Now that is very creative. I will give that a try. Thank you :)

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July 17, 2007

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