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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Ruth S. Ueland

How to Pose Wiggly Toddlers

I am going to be doing my first session with someone who I am not personal friends with. I am wondering if anyone has any tips and tricks for getting wiggly little toddlers to sit still for their portrait? Also what are some good ways to get kids you don't know to warm up for their photograph ... so they don't look horribly unnatural???

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July 14, 2007


Katie Parks
  A ball. It's that simple, really. You have them sit and watch your magic show. You toss it up turn and it falls. It is funny every time. I also sing silly songs they might know and add their names (add funny animals to Mcdonald's farm). If they are a little bit too young for that, bubbles are silly. To keep them sitting still, you have to be their entertainment to stare at. I recommend some serious caffeine before you start! Good luck.

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July 16, 2007


Shirley Fairley
  Hi Ruth,
I have shot alot of young kids. If they are nervous start them off in their parents arms, then they relax and will be more fun.
Try to shoot in a park or somewhere where you can keep moving.
Ask the parents to bring some favorite toys to pull out when you've run out of tricks.
Get the parents to stand behind you and make their favorite goofy faces.
Shoot as much as you can because you will have alot of blurs and funny looks.
I'm sure not all of this is new but I hope it helps.

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July 17, 2007


Mary Lyn Wilson
ISO 100
Shutter 1/125
Aperature 4.5
Nikon D1x
Shot in Raw

Mary Lyn Wilson

  Let me off
Let me off
ISO 100
Shutter 1/125
Aperature 4.5
Nikon D1x
Shot in Raw

Mary Lyn Wilson

  Oh maybe I'll get back on
Oh maybe I'll get back on
ISO 100
Shutter 1/125
Aperature 4.5
Nikon D1x
Shot in Raw

Mary Lyn Wilson

  okay take the picture
okay take the picture
ISO 100
Shutter 1/125
Aperature 4.5
Nikon D1x
Shot in Raw

Mary Lyn Wilson

  I'm done  (15 seconds)
I'm done (15 seconds)
ISO 100
Shutter 1/125
Aperature 4.5
Nikon D1x
Shot in Raw

Mary Lyn Wilson

First thing I try to do is have a consultation/meeting appt. so the child will get confortable with me and if you are doing it in a studio, the child is given a tour.
Before meeting the client make sure your lighting is right, and your camera is set. Anytime you spend doing that is taking away from you 20 minutes shoot time.
You need an assistant. Parents are good for that sometimes but they can also be a distraction and they sometimes lose patients quicker then an assistant would.
Depending on their age you can put them up on something where their feet can not touch the ground. Mom standing close and your assistant behind you keeping their attention. It does not last long.
Also a piece of duck tape or double sticky tape in the palm of there hand will keep fingers out of there mouth and their hands together.
Lastly, you need patience, luck and lots of love of what you are doing. They only last about 20 minutes so shoot fast.
Hope this helps

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July 17, 2007

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