BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Bill Griggs

Image compensation

I have a restaurant group that wants to buy some of my photographs for display in one of their restaurants. They wish to purchase the rights to the photo so it is exclusive to them. Any thoughts on what to charge for this?

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July 10, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  I'm not going to tell you what to charge. That's strictly up to you based on a whole series of factors. I will say, however, that in about 32 years in this business, although I've been frequently asked, I've rarely sold exclusive rights to any of my work and surrendered my copyright.

Remember too, displaying is not publication. An image that hasn't been published still retains value for first time North American or worldwide rights in terms of stock photography sales. In other words Bill, I wouldn't sell exclusive rights to my work to any restaurant group for all the tea in China. They haven't got enough money and my stock work has put my two kids through college.

As to what to charge, as usual, I recommend joining a professional association and see what others especially those in your geographic area, would charge for similar usage and work for display purposes.

One last thing: Get a stock delivery memorandum, say out of a photography forms book, ( Complete that form thoroughly with particular attention to the section on usage. Make sure they get and sign a copy of it before the work goes on display.
Take it light ;>)

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July 10, 2007


Bill Griggs
  Thanks, Mark for the responce. It all helps.

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July 10, 2007

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