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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Sam Berg

How to Get a Model Release

Just wondering how to actually go about and obtain model/property releases. What if you dont know who the person is or who to contact/how to contact them to get a model/property release? Thanks.


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July 08, 2007


Sam Berg
  And what would you recommend saying/asking the people? How do you usually go about doing it? Thanks again.

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July 08, 2007


Samuel Smith
  boy sam,ya can't be just honest with them.i'll give you a few prints if I can shoot this or you?
if you're having trouble finding out who the property owner is ask the really seems meatheads are only 1 in 100.if you have at least a nice disposition,you will meet some nice very upfront.
but by the question,in itself,i take it you're not outgoing.hmmm.
soo,ya just ask what you want,if they say no,so what...
I think you're shooting yourself in the foot thinking it won't happen before you even approach prospective opportunities.
most are flattered.don't you think?
put yourself in their place and give an answer.of course it's probably,well yeah.ya want some lemonade or a cold beer?most are not out to take your first born.

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July 08, 2007


Craig m. Zacarelli
  just be straight forward, confident and smile... dot beat around the bush and act like a kid asking for candy.

I was building a rock wall, I was collecting rock here and there a few at a time, I came across this house with a big pile of rocks on the side of it, the owner was cutting the lawn so I just stopped, spur of the moment thing... I just said something like.. "Hi, what's with the pile of rocks?" He said he had a rock wall that fell over and he wasnt about to rebuild it, so I asked if I can have a few, he siad, take all you want...take them all if you want."

so just go right up and ask, the worst they can say is no!

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July 09, 2007

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