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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Start Selling Prints

I've been taking pictures as a hobby for a while now, but recently received a Cannon Rebel XT as a gift and am starting to seriously think about selling some of my prints. I'm just not sure the best way to go about it. I saw someone suggest PhotoBiz as one way. I don't know a whole lot about watermarking either and my major concern is that if I have a website for people to order from my pictures could be copied. I'm going to start posting my pictures on here and would love any feedback which would help me also decide how successful I might be at selling prints. For those of you who sell prints online, what are the best places for getting them developed to sell? Any advice on where to start is helpful. Thanks!

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July 04, 2007


John Rhodes
  Katie, I've offered this advice before and I stil think it's the best way to develop your business--Start Locally.

Here is a short list of actions you can take:

1. Join the local art association. 2. Participate in art festivals to get your photography in the public eye. 3. Don't miss opportunities to promote your photography.
Donate images to charity auctions.
4. Apply to juried art exhibits and shows.

There are other ways you can take to promote your business. Talk to others artists in the association to get ideas.

Don't think that you'll be successful by taking a "global" approach. Most photographers don't sell many prints on-line until thay build a good reputation locally.


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July 04, 2007

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