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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Kelli Campbell

Posing - step by step instruction

Hi everyone,

I have been asked to take portraits at a family reunion--a large group shot, of course, but also smaller portraits of individual families. My greatest fear is with posing. Could you possibly give me a step-by-step process for posing groups effectively, specifically the smaller groups? For example:
#1-Stagger the heights of people
#2-Make sure they aren't facing the camera head-on
#3-Make sure their hands aren't doing something weird...

I don't know...whatever helpful hints you could give me, I would greatly appreciate!

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July 03, 2007


Samuel Smith
  gee kelli,what have you been using this site for? 3 years a member and so many galleries and info.
your greatest fear is not doing a good job.or you haven't paid attention.
most of it will be about the light and the time of day.maybe there's a demolition derby in the background?nudist colony next door?
and your style is what?
there is no wrong style.

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July 03, 2007


Kelli Campbell
  Gee, Samuel, I'm not sure why you responded to my question. I have not been a regular visitor to the site over the past three years but HAVE done numerous and thorough searches of Q&As. Additionally, few gallery photos address my question. My question was not regarding lighting, but rather suggested steps to posing people appropriately. How much style can be applied to posing, seriously? I would think that, typically, people at family reunions would want a normal arrangement--not some stylistic, out-of-the-box poses. I don't know where the reunion itself will be but am at least educated enough to know not to place them in front of something aesthetically unpleasing. So, if you have any helpful hints, I'd appreciate it.

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July 04, 2007


Samuel Smith
  i did a search before responding.everything from stepladder,to stitching a panoramic in ps to posing.
as far as lighting,time of day can ruin the shoot if it's outside.
if it's inside there might not be enough light to avoid shadows,blur and flash can be a little unappealing.
not having them face the camera head on is a are half circles,semi circles and a big v.
there may be some drinkers who will run out of patience because you want everything perfect and really don't like to have their picture taken anyway.
kids are figidity.while you place or pose 5 kids,10 others will get bored.
then,and hopefully not,that sarcastic moron,papaw sam will put his 2 cents in and ruin it all.
i'd be more worried about where it was going to be and what I was going to use as a background,sam

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July 04, 2007 - Sherry Karr Adkins

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sherry Karr Adkins
Sherry Karr Adkins's Gallery
  Kelli, try to pose them in series of triangles. Avoid having multiple heads parallel to each other on the same horizontal line. Also avoid having one head above another on a vertical line. Try to have all heads at different heights and on diagonals. Avoid great height differences for adjacent individuals. These and other tips came from the text, 'Studio Lighting, Made Simple' by Scott Smith. It's a great text for anyone interested in portrait work. Good luck and have fun!

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July 04, 2007


Kelli Campbell
  Thanks, you two, for your answers. Because I don't yet know the venue (although I know it will be outside), I haven't been able to scout out everything. Your input has really helped, though. I also plan to check out some books, like you said, Sherry. Thanks again!

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July 05, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
An idea of the site and the group you will be shooting would be great.
Then If you'd like some help, I will have monday and tuesday to work on some diagrams for you.
Or email me a address to send some ideas.
I hope this will help,
Debby Tabb

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July 06, 2007


Sisterlisa B
  Kelli, I would take along som mini lollipops to reward good little boys and girls once the shoot is over. It will help them be still longer, knowing they have a treat waiting for them. ;O)

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July 06, 2007

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