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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Bobbi S. Tomes


Does anyone use winkflash, I have used them because of the low prices, and I have to say after several orders, you get what you pay for. EVERY single one of my orders has been wrong in one way or another. Missing prints, incorrect cropping, extra prints that I didnt order, missing embossing on books, most recently I did a wedding, and had adjusted the cropping with their cropp tool, and had also chosen to have my entire order in matte. It came in glossy and NONE of the cropping I adjusted was present, because of that, people on edges og photos were cut in hald in one, and in another 4 heads were cut of of a groop of men. So I email them about the problem, and even my invoice said matte so I know that it isnt something I did, but they IGNORE my email! This isnt the first time this has happened to me with them, it is so bad that I EXPECT at least one error with every order. I use to use mpix and they were awesome, but in my area of a small low income town I have to sell cheap if I want to sell at all, so I switched to the lower priced winkflash. I cant complain about the quality of prints, all the problems I have experienced have been preventable errers of someone who seems careless about the imporance of what they are doing. For all I know it could just be some guy sitting behind a computer with a bag od corn chipps, with a photo lab in his basement, and not an actual business with several employees.

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June 29, 2007


Christy Freeberg
  I've ordered only a small amount of prints from Winkflash- more so because of the first 50 were free with a promo-they were pretty standard- you should really check out you'll love them!!!!! Way more professional quality!

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June 29, 2007


Todd Bennett

Yes, you do get what you pay for. There are several good online companies to order from. I have to second the vote for Every order I have received has been correct. You have a few shipping options from next day on up and they deliver what they say they will.

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June 30, 2007


Bobbi S. Tomes
  Yeah, I used mpix before and loved them, very reliable and great quality. As I said I only satrted with winkflash because of the low prices, if I go back to mpix then I will have to raise my prices to my customes. I hate to do that because of the lower income area where I live. But I guess it is better then having to explain to my client why I have to reorder their wedding package twice.

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June 30, 2007


Todd Bennett

"Yeah, I used mpix before and loved them, very reliable and great quality."

So why would you risk making a drastic change like switching labs without giving it a couple of test runs. If you factor in your time for all the re-orders and hassles you had to go through, did you really save any money?

"if I go back to mpix then I will have to raise my prices to my customes. I hate to do that because of the lower income area where I live"

When I looked at the pricing, in most cases you're only talking a few cents. I took four of the most popular sizes, figured the difference in price devided that by four to come up with an average price difference. You're talking about thirty four cents. If you sold a package of 100 prints you're talking about 34.00.

IMHO, it's a no-brainer. I'm not gonna sacrifice quallity, performance, and customer satisfaction for just a few pennies.

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June 30, 2007


Bobbi S. Tomes
  Yeah but pennies count when you are selling sheets at only $5. And I'm not kidding that is about all the average person around hear can afford. If I charged any more they would settle for the walmart package. I know that sounds dirt cheap to some of you selling sheets for 20 or 30$ a peice, but at that price they sell. Higher prices dont sell around here. Or if they do then to a small select groop of higher income people. SO for me every penny counts.

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June 30, 2007


Todd Bennett

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July 01, 2007

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