BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Ruth S. Ueland

Stock agencies that accept Minors

Does anyone know of stock agencies, RF and RM that accept minors?
I know See my portfolio @ does.
Any other agencies???

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June 08, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Before you submit an image of any kid to a stock agency, for any purpose, you need a valid model release covering that particular photo, signed by at least one parent or legal guardian.
Take it light.

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June 09, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  No, sorry I must have worded it a little unclearly. I am a minor myself and I would like to submit my photography to agencies. Most agencies say in order to be "signed up" to their sight you must be over 18
Thanks though

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June 09, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  There are two reasons for that rule, Ruth, that you're going to find difficult if not impossible to get around: First, the model release law. If you're under age 18, you legally can't sign releases for photos of yourself.

Second, if you're under age 18, you can't enter into a binding contract unless it's for necessities of life, food, clothing, shelter. And, if you misrepresent your age to anyone in a contractual situation, the contract is void as a matter of law and you would get paid virtually nothing now, or you and your parents (or legal guardians) would be subject to being sued later by that firm to recover it's money.


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June 10, 2007 - Leslie J. Morris

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie J. Morris
Leslie J. Morris's Gallery
  Hi Ruth,

While I can't answer your question I wanted to offer you encouragement. You are starting young and if you can't get in now, you still own the copyright to the photos. Keep backups and when you are 18....upload them all at once!

Good luck, I wish I had started photography younger, I have just found my new 42~

Keep shooting,


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June 19, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  Thanx Leslie
Being I cannot submit stock right at this moment, I am going to be a portrait photographer.

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June 19, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  Thanx Leslie
Being I cannot submit stock right at this moment, I am going to be a portrait photographer.

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June 19, 2007


Paul Hakimata does accept minors. Just check it out.

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October 01, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  I thought I remembered reading in their terms & conditions that you must be over 18 to be one of their photographers. But yes I will check it out.
And I will use your link. ;) They have a referral money-making program probably, right? :p

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October 01, 2007


Paul Hakimata
  Hi Ruth,

This is what it says (nothing about a minimum age):

// quote begin

Sell your images

Anyone can become a member of our community, however we only accept quality-based photos for inclusion in our database. We carefully review each application received. You may apply to become a member by registering and uploading your first files. If they are approved, you will see them on your personal account. If they are not selected for inclusion in the database, you will be notified via email, including the reason and/or suggestions for improvement. After solving the problem, you can upload them again.

As soon as your application is accepted, your files will be available for sale on the site. Upon review, the file will be included as a 1st level file. Depending on the quality of the shot, composition, subject and print size, the file will have more or less downloads than other similar shots. As soon as a specific file reaches 25 downloads, it automatically becomes a 2nd level file. In a similar way, as soon as the file has 200 downloads it becomes a 5th level file. This approach is intended to give an equal chance to all files in the very beginning. It is also a way to encourage good shots that have less downloads, against other similar shots that have many downloads.

For each transaction, the photographer receives a 50 percent fee. Exclusive images receive a 60 percent fee, while exclusive photographers enjoy an additional bonus of $0.20 for each approved submission. Considering all bonuses that are awarded to the buyer, the actual royalties can reach up to 80% or more. Dreamstime awards the highest royalties in the industry, according to a recent study of PDN Magazine.

Any photographer may request to be paid for his/her sales on as soon as the balance has reached $100 and the photographer submits a payment request from the Management Area. We currently send payments by bank check, Paypal or Moneybookers.
We ask our contributors to maintain/keep online a minimum of 70% of their approved/accepted submissions for at least 6 months.

// quote end

It would be awesome if you subscribe through my referral link. Thanks for thinking of that. This is the link:
< a href="">

Good luck, and hope to see you at the Dreamstime community.


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October 02, 2007


Paul Hakimata
  Sorry, embedded the link wrong..... This is it:
< a href="">

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October 02, 2007


Paul Hakimata

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October 02, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  Paul, here is a section in Dreamstime's terms & cond. that talks about those under 18:

Children (persons under the age of 18) are not eligible to use this site unsupervised and we ask that children do not register for an account or submit any personal information to us. By using this site unsupervised, and/or registering for an account, you warrant that you are 18 years of age or older.


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October 09, 2007


Paul Hakimata
  Hi Ruth,

Thanks for letting me know. I was unable to find that.
You can ask one of your parents to "supervise" you, until you're 18.

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October 09, 2007

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