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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Karma Wilson

5D or wait for new midlevel?

I have the 20D and lots of lenses. I take a lot of lifestyle and I was thinking of submitting for stock. I have built up some good references from pro photographers and I have just landed a great credit. But I have heard that they are very picky about file size and want ginormous files. I think 26MB is pretty ginormous, but I have heard they want bigger. So I was thinking of the 5D and 28-105 L-lens combo.

Problem is, I love my crop factor! I have an ultra wide angle for those times I really need wide--and it works very well. But I use my extra reach quite a lot. I really don't want to invest in an ultra tele right now--they are so expensive. With my 70-200 2.8 and 1.4 converter I usually get close enough for most of my needs--but just.

I thought of keeping both cameras--zoom on one and my L on the 5D. But is that really necessary? I heard rumors of Canon releasing a new midelevel SLR with a bigger MP count than the 30D. Is that rumor true? Why they released the 30D without a higher MP count is beyond me. It seemed shortsighted when they release the new rebel with two more megapixels than the 30D!!!

Anyway, sorry for the long-winded response. Feel free to clear up any misconceptions I've posted here. Thanks,


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June 07, 2007


Glenn E. Urquhart
  Hi Karma - Back in September I was in the same boat that you are in. Owned a 20D, very happy.... Invited to be a photographer for a Stock Agency! Needed more MP... traded the 20D and 17-85 IS USM lens for a 5D, 24-105 L IS USM lens (and add to that a little CASH!!!)
That 5D along with that L lens is OUTSTANDING QUALITY. Could not believe the shots I was able to capture! I also have a 70-300 IS USM Lens that works darn well with the 5D.
Now can not help with the 1.4 converter, sure it would work well. New replacement for the 5D? Maybe, but the 5D has come down $400, since I bought it, and I will never need anything better that the 5D!! The ultra wide angle? On my 20D the 17mm was actualy the equivilent to a 27mm on a 35mm format. I have a true 24mm on my zoom that has much less distortation and color problems then the 17-85!
Go for the 5D (12.8 mp is more than enough) and the 24-105 L lens and I believe you will be quite happy! Good luck with your choice and best wishes, Glenn.

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June 07, 2007


Jerry Frazier
  Is this a joke?

The 5D doesn't create a 26MB file.

Also, you do not get more reach with a 1.6 sensor. What you get is crop from a standard full frame sensor.


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June 07, 2007


Glenn E. Urquhart
  Cheers, Jerry - I politely pointed out the 5D is 12.8MP... ie more than enough! Now I supposed one can buy a special Hasselblad H3D-22, 22.2 Megapixel, for $22,000!!! So what's the joke!!! You know, good people here ask for some help and do not needed to be slamed. Cheers, Glenn.

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June 07, 2007


Karma Wilson
  Gee Jerry, you take yourself a bit seriously. With the 20D I shoot in RAW and files converted to TIF are about 23 MBs standard. The 5D would be much larger I assume. Jpeg are much smaller, of course. I'm not sure what file format most stock agencies prefer, but my publishing company asks for TIF, so that's what I was going by.

And I understand how the crop factor works, but it's commonly accepted that you get longer zoom reach with it.

Why you have such a condenscending attitude is beyond me, but you didn't really need to respond if you had nothing constructive or especially informative to say.


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June 07, 2007


Glenn E. Urquhart
  Hi Karma - I shoot in jpeg, with my 5D. When a select a photo to work on, I save it as a tiff file. The average size of the conversion is 40MP in tiff! Hope this helps! Best wishes, Glenn.

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June 07, 2007


Karma Wilson
  Thanks Glenn, you've been very helpful!


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June 07, 2007


David A. Bliss
  Don't split hairs about "crop factor" vs "more reach." It works the same (with a little DOF difference).

As for file size...
Uncropped, converted to an 8 bit tiff (or any other uncompressed format) without any upsizing during conversion.

10D - 18 MB
20D/30D - 23.4 MB
5D - 36.3 MB
Mark II - 47.5 MB
Mark III - 28.8 MB

File size = (((width x height x bit depth)/8)/1024)/1024

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June 08, 2007

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