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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

G. Turman

Celeb Photo Shoot - Contract, Release?

I just began doing photography and I have a celebrity who is interested in doing a photo shoot. What would you recommend that I do? I'm developing my work-for-hire agreement and photo release form. What would you suggest that I put in the work for hire agreement and photo release? I want to make sure that I do not get taken advantage of because I'm overzealous.

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June 03, 2007


BetterPhoto Member
  First thing to do, Garrett, is not create a Work for Hire agreement. That means you will not own the work and only do it for the money. Most pros, including myself, avoid Work for Hire contracts.
A release? Yes, that's good to have but celebrities will have restrictions on where the photo can be used (especially when it comes to advertisements or any promotion of a company). For more info on forms, I'd go to and/or
Try to set good fees to make a decent pay day as well as covering all of your expenses (which should list as part of your invoice).
Good luck!

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June 05, 2007


G. Turman
  Thanks Sean. What is the best way to know that I am not undercharging,overexerting myself with work, or devaluing the market? I have an understanding that where you start is where you finish. I would love to make this a career rewarding experience and remain in the industry.

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June 07, 2007


BetterPhoto Member
  The best and first thing you must do (which most photographers don't do) is complete a salary/overhead spreadsheet.

Add up all your estimated costs of doing business (photo gear, marketing, computers, phones, rent (or space in your home), utlities, insurance, etc etc, and add your salary- total the amount- usually a beginning photog business is around $70,000 per year (for a base $35,000 salary, that's low, plus ~$35,000 is expenses).

You may say 35 grand in expenses- no way- last year I spent over thousand just in camera and lighting repairs- and bought 5 grand of lighting, and this year bought 3 grand in a camera system and 3 grand of new computers. Your phone bill can be easily a grand. Rent. Office furniture. Marketing (business cards, promo cards, mailing costs, etc). It adds up.

Then divide it by how many jobs you may get- if you're lucky to get 100 days of shooting, you need to charge $700/day (700x100=70,000) to make $35,000 a year.

this is the best way to start in my book- the business way.

hope this helps and good luck!

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June 07, 2007


G. Turman
  Thanks again Sean. Unfortunately I haven't ran into a group or company willing to pay the 700.00 a day yet. What is the best way to target a market of that nature? Most groups that I have worked with want to contract my work and don't want the additonal expense.

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June 21, 2007

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