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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Request to purchase my pics to use as screen saver

I am a sports photographer doing youth sporting events. I have had the request to purchase the images on a CD for use as a screen saver (so they say... lol...). I have mixed feelings about this. I don't want this to be a means of them getting the images without purchasing prints. How would you handle this request? If you allowed it, how would you charge for it?

Thanks for any ideas, suggestions or comments.

Lisha Edwards

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May 31, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Well, they won't be able to produce really high quality prints (unless they are small) from images sized for desktops (what size desktop do they have?). How many pictures do they want?

The pricing is a tricky question... they could use the pictures (illegally) for other uses than a screensaver, and if they get all the images in something other than a screensaver file, maybe charge like (for really good pictures) $30 a pic? But then, you don't want to charge $100 for a screensaver because a screensaver's not worth that much to anyone... I think it is really hard to get a picture out of a screensaver file, unless you really know what you're doing. I wouldn't think that $20 for a screensaver file would really be crazy.

Good question!

ScrattyPhotography Blog

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May 31, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Actually, I have an idea. Use large amounts of jpeg compression and downsized images (for the computer to interpolate for the screen). They wouldn't be able to use those as prints, but they still might be able to extract the pictures for use in documents or websites. However, there would probably be easier ways for people to get these pictures than out of screensavers. I bet $20 for a screensaver file of (somewhat) downsized and compressed would be okay.

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May 31, 2007

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Do you have permission from the league and releases from the players to profit from your photos?

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May 31, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Dennis is absolutely right Lisha. Money isn't at all an issue here and it doesn't matter who made the request of you unless first and foremost, you've got a written signed release from at least one parent of every kid on that CD; a release that specifically authorizes you to publish those specific photos and distribute them in any way, whether for commercial use and profit or not. If you ain't got one of those then you're just begging for legal problems from a lot of potentially very disgruntled parents.

Dennis is also correct about permission from the league (depending on the league and their specific rules regarding such matters) and the team(s)that retained you in the first place.

For every kid, that potential liability, in most states, continues until at least one year after they reache their 18th birthday, usually depending on the state statute of limitations of action for personal injury claims.

Take it light but take it. ;>)

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June 01, 2007


BetterPhoto Member
  I have the legal aspects covered.

There are no persons in the images except her own child.

I'm just wondering how to set a price for this service as compared to a print sale.


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June 01, 2007


Lani J
  If it's their kid... and they want the image on a disk for screen saver purposes I'd charge them the same I would for an 8x10/12 print.

If they want an entire CD of images I'd probably charge them a flat rate and lower the quality of images so that they are still great on a screen but they wouldn't print well.

At some point you lose control... and you can't help it. Part of the territory.


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June 04, 2007


BetterPhoto Member
  Thank you, Ariel and Lani, for your suggestions. I'm not sure what resolution you'd use for a screen saver, but I'm sure I can search and find that info out. She wants all the photos, so I'll just probably come up with a set amount for that and reduce the size and resolution.

Thanks again!

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June 04, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Ask them what size screen they have, and use those proportions for the resolution.

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June 04, 2007


R.M. Fusco
  Why not embed a watermark of your business name or your website address for the image that she wants to use as a screensaver.

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June 07, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  Screensaver = smart ways to get a big file for mass duplication!

Don't do it, or do it and have a watermark across the bottom 1/3 of the photo with your company's name. Assume they have Photoshop in any / all cases and that they can crop or clone a bunch of the watermark off so think ahead!

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June 25, 2007

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