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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Charlie V. Bell

fees for special needs photography

I wanting to know how much to charge for portraits of autistic children- I have a specialist background in working with these kids and parents seem to appreciate my understanding of the disorder and ability to capture lovely shots in a stress-free way. Question is- how much do you charge for an hour session? It's more than photographing 'typical' kids, I would imagine...? Difficult to know. I'm based in LA (if that makes any difference).
Thank you!

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May 29, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  I did a whole series on a center for developmentally disabled folks about 12 or 13 years ago in northern Calif. Autistic, kids with Downs Syndrome, etc, adults with brain injuries or various forms of learning disabilities, all of them striving toward independent living and things many of us just take for granted on a daily basis.

I probably spent six months on and off working on the project in my free time. Photographed classrooms, rehab., workshops, meals preps., living quarters, independent living homes, day-in the life stuff, sports events, golf outings. It was great experience for a million reasons. Turned out to be some of the best work I've ever done.

And, some of the closest relationships I've formed came from that association including the clients, some of their families and Jim Colton, photo editor at Newsweek at the time, who published some of the stuff.

The work was displayed at the center's annual award's dinner for friends and family. There was hardly a dry eye in the house. They ultimately used the work for exhibits and fund raising.

It's truly a privilege to be allowed to photograph these people and to get to know some of them and for lots of reasons. I never charged a penny for for the work itself. I was just fortunate to have the opportunity. But the center director insisted on paying for film and processing.

There are some things in life that fees won't compensate you for. This is probably one of them.

Take it light ;>)

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May 30, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  I don't have any idea what you might charge as a fee, but I wanted to take this chance to share about my son, Ethan. He has Aspberger's Syndrome, for the uninitiated it is a higher functioning from of autism. He might appear as a normal child. He is thirteen and when you approach him and address him, he might look at you sideways like, trying not to take too much attention from his task at hand to glance at you and respond if you might repeat yourself. But not to be rude. He loves to read and can do so on a high school level in regards to his comprehension. He can be highly sociable and personable but likes to steer the conversation towards topics he is comfortable with, even if it is totally off subject, but that's O.K. He is not trying to be disrespectful, only interested through making you talk about Star Wars or Transformers. I know that he says 'PIE' when he is happy. He is very meticulous about organizing the Star Wars trading cards I gave him because I got tired of collecting them instead of the being enjoyed. But it is a fight to get him to brush his teeth or bring clean clothes down before he is out. But he is a handsome and strong young man. He has an affinity for scientific experiments, anything that is hands on. He throws himself into it with a passion. He absorbs information that he hears and sees. He loves peanut butter sandwiches and and Kool Aid (cherry and grape) and any ice cream he can get his trap around. He won't go near a bike or a larger animal like a cat or a dog, but he wants to be a NASCAR driver and design comic books. He is special and he is my son. He is Ethan. And I love him. Sorry, about that. I just had to gush. Thank you.

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June 05, 2007


Brenda D.
  Charlie, I can'r imagine why yu would charge a person with a handicap more than you would anyone else,I'm sorry but it sounds too much like discrimination to me, should I charge more for a box of cookies to a disabled person just because I have to reach further over the counter to take thier money? I'm not trying to stir up a bees nest here but you did ask for opinions.

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June 05, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Chris ! Drop me your e-mail address, I want to ask you something.

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June 05, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  In all fairness to Charlie, Brenda, I think all he's asking is how much to charge for a portrait and nothing about a premium rate. He does acknowledge his expertise in terms of with the subject matter which is perfectly alright. He's not asking for a premium rate based on that particular subject matter. I think that misconstrues his question. I've corresponded with him and for what it's worth, trust me in saying his heart is certainly in the right place at least as far as this type of work is concerned. ;>)
Take it light.

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June 05, 2007


Brenda D.
  Mark & Charlie, I appologize if I have offended or misunderstood the question, all I meant was to charge what he would charge anyone else for portraits.

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June 06, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  One word of advice though, Charlie. Definitely try to steer clear of the strobe. Natural light whenever possible. Especially those deeper in the autistic spectrum. The added sensory input might set them off. Heck, even the mirror slap might do it. So play it by ear and eat up the parent's/guardian's input on what actions/sounds might affect who in which manner.

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June 07, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Mark, don't know if my PM email went through to you or not but I'm at and my URL (such as it is) is`flash19901. Thank you.

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June 07, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Got it Chris. Thanks. Send ya a note last night.

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June 08, 2007


Charlie V. Bell
  Hi Mark and Brenda and Chris,

I've been away so just seen all messages. Firstly, Chris, thanks for your message about Ethan. I have worked with autistic kids as a therapist for 6 yrs and have a real passion for the job, as the kids are all so unique and wonderful.
I have just completed a 5 month photo project of autistic kids in London, Sydney and now LA, with the hope of compiling a book to raise money for autism awareness. So far things looking good with interest for autism charities in Oz and the US.
Which brings me to Brenda's comment: of course I understand that there must be folk out there discriminating and exploiting disabilities, but hopefully from my short speil re my background you can see that I would never discriminate and that my question was simply an honest query. I have had parents offering huge amounts for taking photos and that is not what I'm looking for: I was just asking what a FAIR fee would be. I have worked unpaid for the last 8 months preparing and doing this photo project with only good intentions. So I would not get to this point and turn to the 'dark side' and start trying to swindle money out of people...

Anyway, all is good! If you'd like to see my website with the sorts of photos I have taken so far (still under construction though), it's at

Thanks guys. And Chris thanks for the advice re lighting, yep I only ever use natural light. Strobing a definite no no!


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June 08, 2007

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