BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Linda Sandbo

Stock Agencies

Hi to all. I have just retired from a career in health care and am now going to pursue my love of photography.
Having just joined Better Photo, I have already gotten some good tips just from reading some of the articles/blogs.
My question is how to get started with the stock agencies and get my name out there for assignments. I live in Beaufort, N.C. and have been blessed with such a bountiful assortment of wildlife, landscapes, old boats and ships and the sea itself.
I am entering your montly contest and will also be acquiring one of the BP portfolios. I have just upgraded my camera equipment and ready to rock and roll!! How do I start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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May 17, 2007


Kerry Drager
  Hi Linda,
Welcome to! As you have discovered, there's a great community of folks who share your passion for photography.

In addition to the resources you have already discovered here at BP, we have a fine line of online photography courses covering all sorts of subjects:

Here are two courses that are specific to your interests, and are taught by active stock photographers who are represented by top stock agencies, and have tons of teaching experience and tips to share:

Stock Photography Boot Camp

Making Money with Your Photography

Our courses are 100-percent online, and involve lessons, assignments, feedback by a top pro, and discussions among students and instructors. You'll learn a lot in a short amount of time, and you'll have fun along the way too.

But don't take my word for it :-) Check out the testimonials from people who have actually taken our courses: Student Testimonials ... Near the top right of that page is a link to pages with reviews on specific courses.

Again, Linda, glad to have you on board here at BetterPhoto!

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May 17, 2007


Linda Sandbo
  THanks so much, now I feel silly. The more I read today, the more answers I found. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I am looking forward to learning all that I can and sharing this knowledge through pictures.
What a great website!!!!!!!!!!!

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May 17, 2007


Kerry Drager
  You're very welcome, Linda ... have fun!!!

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May 17, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  Hi Linda
A good beginners stock agency is:Buy & Sell Photos at
It is free to sign up and start using. Very simple. After you kind of get into the flow of what stock agencies like for pictures etc. you could probably start submitting to istockphoto, shutterstock and maybe a few others.

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June 07, 2007


Linda Sandbo
  Thanks Ruth!
Everyone on this website has been extremely helpful!

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June 08, 2007


Carolyn L. Fox

Doesn't Canstock require an exclusive on the images you submit to them?

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June 10, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  No, Royalty Free Stock Photography does not require you to have your images exclusive to them. You have the choice that you can if you would like to. But in no way are you required to have an exclusivity agreement with them.

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June 10, 2007


Donna R. Moratelli
  Hi Linda,You'll also need to get a website so the agencies to see your work. Betterphoto offers excellent website deals and are easy to use. I've had one for a very long time and love it.

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June 13, 2007


Linda Sandbo
  Wow, I'm honored! I've seen your gallery and read your bio. Thank you for responding. I know I need to choose one , I'm compiling , what I think, are my best photos .
I review each day what images are submitted, and I know that I have lots to learn. I want to be sure what I submit and post are worthy of this website and for review from photographers like you! The more I read, the more I know I have a ways to go, but I am so motivated. I love what photography can do and preserve........

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June 13, 2007


Paul Hakimata
  Hi Linda,

A great way to sell your images is also through Dreamstime. They are the fastest growing stock agency and also pay out the most (according to a survey conducted by PDN; there's a link to the complete article on my site: Hakimata Stock Portfolio.
If you'd like to join Dreamstime and it's wonderfull community go here:

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September 28, 2007


Linda Sandbo
  Thanks Paul

I'll check it out!

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September 28, 2007


Paul Hakimata
  Hi Linda,

That's great! As you probably have seen, I'm only a member since a few months, and my sales are sky rocketing. The key is to have a large portfolio, which means larger exposure, and more sales. It would be nice for you to become a member of I think your images will do great!


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September 28, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  Hi Linda,

You should consider Shutterstock, since they, HANDSDOWN, are the number one earner for the majority of photographers that submit to the microsites. In the beginning weeks/months, the acceleration of sales will look good for almost any site, but it's the long haul that counts.

Since you have a background in the healthcare field, you will no doubt have a fertile mind for shots in the medical genre, as do I (I work in the healthcare environment), and you should do well for ideas you submit in that category.

Medical shots are a significant percentage of my downloads, though I have decided to upload what ever I really enjoy.

I've submitted many images from my BetterPhoto portfolio that are consistent earners.

To date, I still only have ~270 photos uploaded, but have earned $12,953.66 and counting...

Submit Photos to Shutterstock and make $$$!

I plan to also see if adding direct digital downloads and letting people order prints without me having to print them is a viable sales route, so I plan on opening a Smug Mug account.

SmugMug Pro Account

But for sure, the money comes in 24/7 from the microsite submissions.
Good luck!

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October 07, 2007


Linda Sandbo
  Thanks Carolina for the input. Tell me a little more about the medical pics. What are they looking for?? Do you have to have signed permits for the shots, etc.? Is it procedures, equipment, hospital settings???
I actually signed up with Shutterstock a couple of months ago, just hesitant to send in pics. Most of my work is nature and landscape right now. Would love to pic your brain some more!!
Thanks again....Linda

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October 07, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  Hi Linda,

just type in the word 'medical' and sort by 'popular' and you will get an idea of what sells.

Almost all of the medical shots in my BP portfolio are selling...

Just remember, you can't violate 'HIPPA', basically you can't shoot someone's face and submit it as stock unless you have a valid model release (this is the same for all folks these days, no matter what the category, unless it is 'editorial'). Actually, I pretty much don't shoot people shots, I'd rather photography things that don't talk back :)

If you are no longer employed by a hospital, you will have difficulty (read that 'impossible')... you always want to have the backing/permission of the hospital... but there are many medical themes that can be shot outside the hospital... just do some searching and you'll see.

Submit Photos to Shutterstock and make $$$!

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October 07, 2007


Linda Sandbo
  Again, thank you. I will do just that!! Will let you know the outcome!

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October 07, 2007

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