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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

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Releases for Homeowners Florida

Yevette M. Lash

member since: 5/9/2007 Photo Release from Homeowners Florida

I have a local company that wants me to take pictures of the pools they have built for past customers; I told them that we needed a release from the homeowner for me to
1. Enter their property
2. To take pictures of the pools
3. That these pictures will not have a picture of their homes only the pools and pool surfaces they will be used in product sales examples for future customers of this company.
I have a general Model release form however; I would like to find a general release form that I could use as a mailer to these customers. I am new to the industry of photography however theses days you have to cross all your T's and dot all your I's before doing this. So in short where would I find or how would one word a release for such a project?

Yevette Lash
Yevette Lash Photography, Inc.

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May 09, 2007


Todd Bennett

The ASMP may have something you can use. I don't know. I recently purchased a book called "Business and Legal Forms for Photographers" which has a lot of good forms in it. I believe there is something in there that would work for you.


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May 09, 2007


Wendy P
  What part of Florida are you conducting business in? I know each county generally has their own restrictions and regulations as do the surrounding cities. At least in Northwest Florida they do. Up here, most of our business information is available through the property appraisers office and the tax office where you purchase and renew your business license. You may want to contact one or both of them if you haven't already. They may have some useful information.

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May 09, 2007

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