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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Delano A. Porchia

photography bid

Hello Everyone,
I am in desperate need of help. A sorority is having its regional conference here for October 17th – 21st. I have been asked by one of the members to submit a bid to provider photography services for the entire conference, but I do not know where to start. My services will be needed for from 12pm to 12am on the 18th, 12pm to 1am on the 19th, 7am to 1am on the 20th and 10am to 1pm on the 21st.

First problem is, I will have to hire another photographer to assist for the conference. How do I charge for the additional photography? Secondly, I usually charge on the per hour bases, but since I am needed all day for those for days, should I still charge on a per hour bases, or charge a flat rate. Lastly, since so many photos will be taken during the course of the conference, do I offer a CD of the photos and prints or CD only? Any help will be very helpful. Thank you in advance!!!

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May 08, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  This may help a little. I figure my weddings like this. I guesstimate all materials needed, down to the batteries and gas and add a certain amount for labor for you and any assistants(I pay myself $25 per hour for all work on the job, running down prints, dropping off film, assembling albums, etc.) Then if you have a business like I do, I multiply that total by 1.50 so that I come up with a figure that pays me and also sets some back for the business. I know, not a strict guideline, but perhaps it might give you some ideas. Hope it helps a little.

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May 08, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  When I do Large events where they are paying flat rate, the CD is usually factored in and I usually keep the option to sell Cds to partisapants who wish to have them for themselves.
( I do this at a more then resonable rate, and carry cards they can fill out and return to me with payment)
Just a thought,
Debby Tabb

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May 09, 2007

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