BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Darlene Christensen

What is the accepted practice?

What is the accepted practice for submitting images to different Royalty Free sites? What I mean is that if all sites are RF...can you submit to a microstock agency and a site charging MORE per download. I want to submit to a couple of microstock agencies but I'm also submitting to a RF site charging between 9.99-79.99 per download depending on the file size. Thanks for any help! Darlene

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April 27, 2007


Darlene Christensen
  Is this a stupid question?

I know there are several BP'ers who are submitting to microstock agencies...what is your experience and/or advice on my original question? :)

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April 30, 2007


Susan Fox
  Hi Darlene,

If the photos are Royalty Free then you can submit those same photos to other micro stock places, no matter what price you charge.

But if photos are are to be Rights Managed then you can not submit them to other stock places.

Also, each stock site has their own rules on what you can or can't do. So make sure to read all the information on the site.

Hope this answers your question. You can also do a search here for "stock" for past discussions.

Here is a good one:
Just made my first 50 cents

Hope that link works :-)

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April 30, 2007


Susan Fox
  Oops Never mind :-) I see you already posted in that discussion. Sorry about that!

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April 30, 2007


Darlene Christensen
  Thank you Susan. I do understand that I can submit to several microstock agencies at the same time. I just wasn't 100% sure if it made a difference if I also submitted to agencies considered to be middle-of-the-road payouts. I appreciate your help! Darlene

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April 30, 2007


Susan Fox
  Well if the same buyer goes to both stock places and sees the same photo, with one a lot cheaper, then they will buy the cheaper photo. So I guess you have to decided if you want to take that chance.

I have no idea if people tend to just use the same stock place or they look around at several of them.

If you feel the photo has potential to sell for the larger price, then yes hold back submitting to the cheaper stock sites.

Then again if a photo is popular, you can make money by it selling multiple times, even if it is only going for 25 cents a download.

LOL so there is really no right or wrong answer.

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April 30, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  If you are planning on submitting to some micro stock agencies, here is a good one.
Buy & Sell Photos at

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July 02, 2007

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