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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Ruth S. Ueland

Technical wording in Copywriting pofessional photo

I would like to know where I can find i.e. a website that would have info. on exact wording for copywriting photos. (A form that all clients buying my photography will sign, before purchasing the photos.)

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April 24, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  You don't need to have purchasers execute written documents acknowledging, in any way, your copyright. If you insist, however, you can hire an attorney specializing in intellectual property, to draft a special form for you. My guess is that will ultimately turn off would-be buyers before completing the sale.

What you DO need to do is convey notice on the photograph and also register the copyright to be able to enforce any action for infringements.

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April 24, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Ahh, the anti-Van Camp form.

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April 24, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hi Greg. Would that be the "pork and beans release theory"? ;>)

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April 25, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  That's a different Van Camp. That would be Gilbert Van Camp and his wife(and this is her real name) Hester. And according to some official documents, their son Frank was the one he came upon the notion to mix the pork and beans with the tomatoes. Although starting a bean company and naming your son Frank seems like an X-file given the commonality of franks and beans as meal staple.
The Van Camp I was referring to was the more recently infamous Shelley Van Camp of the photo credit stealing Van Camp. Although considering the quality of today's ink jet printers, a little glue and a set of empty cans and she might try to take credit for that too.

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April 25, 2007

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