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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Alicia McMahill

A little of nothing

I have been asked to shoot a wedding... I was asked on Tuesday and the event is this Saturday! I have not meet the couple as the referal is from work of mouth from my work. (I smiled for about an hour just from that) The cathc is that I work a part time job on the weekends until my photography takes off. they are telling me that all they have is $100. K so I untersatnd that it is last mint, and maybe they are not planning this so well... and I told the planner that I would be willing to work with them but to ask a few others first to see if they can do it without taking off of work and she callled me last night and said that there were no takers.
So I started to talk to her a bit more about the event and what they want me from.... this is what I got they want 11:30 to 3:00 (the wedding starts at 2:00-2:30ish). And they want all the prints to copy themselves.
so the more I think on it I just don't know. I can use the work and I can use the $. But is this just out of line! I am thinking telling the planner that I can be there from 1:00 to 3:00. that gives them pre shots, the event, and a cake shot. I will give them an 8X10 and the prints that I pick from the event and that is it. I use a lab and I know that will not keep them from using their personal pc but it will keep them from going to walmart or the like to get prints. Am I out of line? or am I just seeing short sighted? Thanks for your thoughts.

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April 12, 2007


Kerry L. Walker
  Don't take offense at this but yes, you are out of line and yes, you are short-sighted. They are trying to take advantage of you. Your work is worth more than they are willing to pay by a long shot. Of course there were no other takers! If you did what they are asking you to do for $500.00, you would be doing it on the cheap. If you do the job for $100.00, they will be telling all their friends how cheap you are and you will never be able to get any work for a decent price. If you want to get some work for the experience, shot for a friend (not someone you have never even met) for free as a wedding gift.

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April 12, 2007


Alicia McMahill
Thank you for the response. I was starting to think that I was the only one that was thinking it was a bit out of line. As those that I have talked to about it( just friends and others I work with have said.... well it is work)
I have to call the planner today I see how much they really want me I guess

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April 12, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  " . . . well it is work"

That's right, it is work, and it's a lot more than $100 worth of work. It sounds like you're using film, so that might not even cover your expenses. Then you would be working for next to nothing.

What kind of wedding planner can they have if they are looking for a photographer the week of the event with only $100 to spend?

When people wait until the last minute, they should expect to pay more, not less.

They're not doing you a favor by letting you take their pictures.

Chris A. Vedros

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April 12, 2007


Kerry L. Walker
  Chris is spot on, as usual. It is a LOT of work. )She is using digital, BTW). Even if you only provide them with 100 prints, excluding the 8x10, you will be spending almost a third of what you gross on just the printing. Figure in the cost of the batteries for your flash (even if they are rechargeables you need to figure in some cost) and the wear and tear on your camera, you are down to no more than $50.00 gross profit. Now, figure in all the time you will be spending, not just shooting but the time to get there and back plus the time you spend on post-processing and you are making less than minimum wage.

I doubt the planner is a pro, more likely a friend or relative just helping out. If the planner IS a pro, something is REALLY fishy here if they are trying to get a photographer this late and at this price.

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April 12, 2007


Doc D. Wooten
  Alicia, you preparation for the wedding is worth $200.00, let alone shooting shoot for $100.00, they should show up in your backyard and you snap a couple of shots and thats it! Don't bend it's a slap in the face to your skills.
stay strong,

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April 13, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Frankly I would not do it. for $100.00. If they were close enough friends I would do it for free and let them know what I thought of their insisting on so many fringe perks for the price they were being charged and tell them to deal with it. WITH TACT oF COURSE.

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April 13, 2007


Alicia McMahill
  Thank you all for making what I thought was a bit out of line in real clear. I called the planner back and befor I could even talk to her about the event she said that the photographer that 'they had hired befor showed up' so they would not be needing me after all. She asked if she could keep my name and number for further wedding or events and I told her yes. We will see where it all goes from there but at least I got my name and info to one more person:]
Thanks for all your input

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April 16, 2007


John W. Willis
  I'm glad you didn't do it.

Even though I'm new to photography I video taped weddings and did very well BUT I started much like you are and people flocked to take advantage of me. I finally figured out that I did great work and deserved to be payed accordingly.

Hang in there!

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April 29, 2007

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