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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Pamela K. Barrett

Getting Started in Animal Photography

I'm in the very, very beginning stages of setting up an Animal Photography Business. I'm going to a Hunting Retriever Club demonstration this weekend. I asked to take pictures there & they said yes. They even gave me a reserved parking space! I'm iniatilly going just for practice, but my "ulterior motive" is to get some business while I'm there if at all possible. Could I make up a business card to hand out if anyone asks? I currently have a Canon 30D, with Canon EF 28-105, f3.5-4.5 lens, & a TAMRON Telemacro 100-300, f5-6.3 lens; also a 580EX Flash. I am wondering if I could get into any kind of trouble doing this; or is this just simple beginner's marketing?

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April 04, 2007


Irene Troy
  Hi Pam – if I understand you correctly you have not tried to represent yourself as something you are not – an experienced pro – and you are not going to this event as an invited/hired photographer. You simply want to (a) get experience and (b) see if you can make business contacts while there. I assume that you have already told the sponsors that you have hope of developing a business creating images of animals and that you are in the early stages of this process. Okay, if all of this is correct, then I cannot see any problem. However, (and I think this is an important however) you do not want to start off your business with bad feelings on the part of any potential customer. Tell the sponsors that you hope to do this as income and that you would like to hand out business cards at the event should the opportunity arise. Explain that you are new to serious photography and are trying to get a start. If you have any current work – preferably of dogs, since this is a dog event – share this with the sponsors.

I actually started out doing something similar. I asked for and received permission to photograph a field trial in our area. It was great experience and eventually led to a few sales. I was very upfront and honest with everyone and explained that I was new to serious photography and hoped to learn by doing such events. Now I photograph the same event for pay. Bottom line: a lot of honesty and a little humility go a long way!

Good luck and have fun!


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April 04, 2007


Pamela K. Barrett
  Thanks Irene for your advice. It was exactly what I wanted to hear. I looked at your gallery. Your colors are so bold and beautiful. I wonder how you get such rich colors. It makes me want to step into the pictures. Anyway, thanks again.


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April 05, 2007


Pamela K. Barrett
  I went to the Hunting Retriever Club event, got some shots, & now am wondering the best way to handle the situation. My acquaintances who got me into the event (it was my hairdresser & her husband who is one of the trainers at the event) expressed interest in the photos. I have read several of the threads on Photography Business & have decided to do the following:

First of all, I think, the hairdresser & her husband should get something no charge since they got me into the event. I thought about giving them about 4 images free. If they wanted anything else, I would sell them the additional images on CD with my copyright on the label, and a form expressing terms of use. The terms of use would be that I could use my own work for anything (obtaining a model release from them if necessary) AND share the right of unlimited use with members of the Hunting Retriever Club.

How does this sound? Is there anything else I need to do or be aware of?

Another question: What's the difference between a model release and a property release?

If I understand correctly, I wouldn't need a model release concerning this shoot unless I intended to sell an image of the event or subject to another party. Is this correct?

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April 09, 2007

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