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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Ron Pestes

Photo Sales

It seems to me that no one is buying photo prints online. I have been trying to sell mine for three years without a single sale. I have a Pro site set up with Pay Pal for easy payment and about 100 photos online for sale. I have played with the prices from high to low but nothing has come of it. It seems to me that unless you are well known in the industry the new photographer has no chance of making sales unless he just gets lucky.
Any comments?

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April 03, 2007


Mike Rubin
  I think you should list prices under "Sales Information" not just when you click "add to cart" People may want to find the prices easily before spending a lot of time looking at the images.I also think you need to market your business so people will visit the site. Keep in mind that Photographers usually do not buy prints from others. Have you thought about a gallery showing, maybe even displays at local banks,libraries and stores? If people see your work they may be inclined to visit your website to see additional images.

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April 03, 2007


Ron Pestes
Thanks for your comments. I have marketed my site on Google Adwords and Yahoo also but got only about 150 hits after two weeks. I will update my Sales info to show prices there as well.

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April 03, 2007


John Rhodes
  Ron, Mike is right. So are you when you say' "no one is buying photo prints on line."

A web site should not be your frontline strategy. I have the deluxe BP site, but don't rely on that for direct sales. I think there are just too many sites offering the same thing.

To be successful, I believe you must establish a local reputation as a photographer by participating in art festivals and gallery shows. Use these venues to display your art and get your business card into as many hands as possible.


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April 04, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  This is all great advise!
I might add That old adage you have to spend money to make moeny is very true.
You may have to put out of you pocket to give away some prints, but you do need the exposure.
May I suggest:
Fundraiser Auctions ( They will take anything they can Auction, no matter your notoriaty)
If nature Ducks Unlimited use to have a Big Auction at my parents Club every Year.
Mom and Pop cafes, your Salon or Barber ( clients and stuck for a bit of time in a chair, they could be looking at your work)
and of couse your local real estate
Office, I had a friend that did this and she ended up not only selling prints ,but getting work to supply work for other offices and do some business shoots.
Just some thoughts,

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April 04, 2007


Ron Pestes
  Thank you everyone for the great advice. I will take it to heart and try to get myself better promoted.
Thanks again,

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April 04, 2007


Carolyn L. Fox
  There are also ways to drive more business to your site. You might take a look at Sell Photos online by Ron Engh. I think that's the correct name of the book. I'm not looking at it right now. There are also numerous book on how to sell things online. However, I agree with the others that you need to market in other ways. Always include your website on your business cardsk, but get your name out there. Hope this helps.

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April 05, 2007

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