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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Pricing pics - digital downloads for mag/print

Hi All,

I was hoping that you could assist me!

For the past year or two, I have been taking a good number of pictures throughout the area. This week I contacted a new magazine (on issue #2) that has been released - a new glossy magazine that covers the (Seattle) area. I wanted to see they would be interested in my pictures.

I received a message back asking how they can get the hi-res version - my question, not being a pro (quite yet!), should I request compensation? Personally, I am not looking at this to be a full time gig, but it would be nice to be rewarded for some nice shots!

Currently the pics are on Smugmug (Pro Acct) and I am going to set the pricing for hi-res downloads (personal or commercial use licenses).

Any recommendations on setting the pricing? It would be cool to get the exposure with credits, but nice also to recover costs of hobby (to buy new stuff!). Should I ask for comp, should it be $1, 5, 10 a pic or go for some just photo credits/referrals? I don't necessarily want to give away hi-res downloads either ... but I guess that would be necessary for this use.

Any ideas, let me know - the company is small, about 15 people but they produce a number of local magazines (nice quality, high gloss decorating, landscape, etc).

Thanks for your advice!

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March 27, 2007


Matthew A. Bamberg
  Hi J, stumbled on your question, and it's a very good one. Looks like you got a good hot at getting some of your work published. Magazines are a funny lot, and start-ups are tricky.

Setting prices is a good idea. I charge from $25 to $75 for those types of magazines. I know photographers who get way more for use of a copy of their work. I know one who is the type of photographer who uses a medium format Mimia and sets up his shots (architectural) so they are just right and only takes one or two. He charges $150.

My photographs, though, go with my writing so I have to charge extra in addition to the writing fees.

Hope this helps. FYI--I just wrote a class on the subject as it relates to writing and blogging and a fascinating one it is.

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March 27, 2007

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