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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Gretchen M. Steele

Question re: offsite gallery submissions

I was apporoached by a gallery owner through our local Art Guild who requested that I please send her "a representative selecection/collection of my work in jpg format for review" She seems to be interested in displaying my work. My question is what is the best/most professional way to submit this type of thing. She wasn't particularly explicit...I want to do this "right" and also in professional and classy way. I did provide her with a link to my web site, for initial review but a wondered if there is preferred style or format when doing this sort of thing?
Thanks so much for any all assitance with this..I feel like such a newcomer to this whole world at times....

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March 22, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Art people are always very busy and on the go. You need to keep it easy for them to view. I would put your images on a CD, presented well (i.e. cover et al) and make sure on a few PC's that the images come up easily by pushing few buttons. And submit them with a list/ covewr letter for easy reference.

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March 23, 2007


Gretchen M. Steele
  Thanks so much for your very helpful reply. I appreciate the advice! I had considered doing just that - very similar to how I submit to print markets etc, but didn't know if that was "acceptable" in the "art community".
Thank you again for the help!

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March 23, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Well, that might be a general rule of thumb. But not for everybody. Don't go carte blanche with your cd-r. Sometimes a simple one page flyer with two or three images and contact information. Even just a card with a very nice image. If a particular format is requested, then by all means go for it. If not, then just play it by ear. But remember. Keep it simple.

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March 23, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Before you go off the deep end, Gretchen, as excited as you may feel, ask yourself two questions: First, do you know anything about this "gallery owner"?? I.e., do you know who you're dealing with? Second, if you're in the U.S., is the photographic work you're planning to oopyrighted and either registered or in the process of being registered with the copyright office?
Take it light.

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March 25, 2007


Gretchen M. Steele
  The gallery owner is a well respected and long time business owner in our area. She represents several in our Art guild, and I am not concerned about her reputation or qualifications. And, I do always copyright my I have those bases covred. I appreciate that you pointed them out thouigh!

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March 26, 2007

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