BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Mark Feldstein


WE'VE BEEN TARGETED !! By Google and one of their subsidiaries called Adwords to be hyped and bombarded by pop-ups, hot linked ads and banners.

The text of their ad (found by clicking on "Advertise on This Site) says:

"Google AdWords is a robust advertising program that connects your ads with customers on this site and across the web. Use AdWords to target your ads to this specific site or based on keywords of your choice. Write your own message and set your own price for each ad click or impression - you have complete control. Learn more about AdWords here.

IMHO this is simply the wrong thing for Jim Miotke and his crew to do to the people who use BP as a learning tool and doorway to an education. "Targets", "Robust advertising"??? These are just euphanisms for time wasting get rich quick scams and not for the people who patronize those sites.

As I've said elsewhere here, IMHO, these are merely companies that are linked under a single umbrella or parent company, mostly with the intent to deliver a meaningless product, as Mike R. discovered in another thread.

Moreover, if what they (the Miotkes) say is true, and this is in fact a family oriented site frequented by children, why would ANYONE allow their kids to be bombarded with things like SELL STOCK PHOTOS, blah blah blah, that are, more likely than not, intended only to get the owners a profit and certainly not the photographers who submit materials to them. DREAMSTIME.COM? C'mon, what is that? A place where Barbie Dolls reside adjace to Disneyland?? Hide your credit cards folks. A lot of these ads are overwhelmingly appealing to kids. I think on a site like this, that's just plain wrong.

There's a reason why we haven't seen reputable firms, ones we KNOW are reputable like Calumet, B&H, Getty Images, etc., advertising here. And believe me when I say that these days, I don't believe that H.P. is as reputable an outfit as it used to be and it's sudden appearance here is probably an accident anyway or part of a package deal.

IMHO, I wouldn't patronize a single one of these new advertisers here or even give them the satisfaction of clicking on their links.
Buyers Beware (Photographers too) Photographers, in my experience don't get rich quick. They work at it, develop their skills and talents, don't sell images by the pound and with careful planning, marketing and hard work, maybe one day they can call themselves professionals and earn a living at it.
Get the picture(s) ;>)

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March 18, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Okay, I think that "advertise on this site" link has been there. I've never had any inclination to to click on it. I think it arrived when the google ads in blue type were put in. There was some initial consternation but they've proved to be unintrusive.
You just don't click on them.
If anything's change as far as the ads, sure it's another cost absorbtion. And hopefully they won't prove to be intrusive or annoying. I haven't seen anything like that yet. is another microstock company I think. So, I'm pretty sure about your feelings about that.
And H.P. Are you talking about Hewlett Packard?

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March 18, 2007


Charlene Bayerle
  Thank you Mark for your always informative and helpful suggestions for trying to protect the members of BP!!
I think that there are a lot of people, who are just starting out on this site, to be excited about some of the offers suggested. They are very inviting and then, when too late, they get sucked in.

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March 19, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  Sam Is right! here it is no one has tryed to censor you Mark.


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March 19, 2007


Mike Rubin
  Oh, those blue things across the top of the page are Ads?
My apologies to the members here who are Pro's (Their only profession) but I think there are not any "high caliber" ads because basically BP is more for amateurs,I had liked it here and made many friends who helped me improve as a photographer. But lately the Q&A has been filled with questions by people (maybe the same one) who register to ask a question and the go on to state a problem with each response, There are also many questions with sarcastic answers,and people that get offended by a construtive critique. As I said, I like it here but will no longer answer questions or give critiques unless asked to.

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March 19, 2007


Samuel Smith
  i'm asking mike.
why should the world be turned over to bullys,morons and so called know it alls?
and boy as I sit here scratching my head,i'm pretty sure i'm at least one of those.
when you give something away today,they'll just try to take more tomorrow.

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March 19, 2007


Mike Rubin
  As usual Sam, You got a point.However, I can ignore the ads and use a pop up blocker, but it just seems as if the majority of the questions recently asked are a joke. Maybe if BP had a policy that you could not ask questions until you were a member for 30 days , AND have a minimun number of images in a gallery, it would help and we would not be wasting our time trying to be helpful, when I became a member I received a lot of good advice from this forum,and I try to return the favor by providing advice now, but we should not have to scan through the questions wondering what is legit or just from some imature person with nothing better to do.

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March 19, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Debby: Sam who? Where does he say here that I wasn't censored? And I believe you'll find tryed is spelt "tried". Oh, and that was Blacks, 4th Ed. (West, 1968). :>)

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March 19, 2007


Samuel Smith
  i get a chuckle out of the spelling,i even looked up invetagate.boy I am so teasing cookie.i asked on the other thread mark.
yeah mike and it it the same

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March 19, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  Thanks Mark for correcting my spelling!
It really doesn't bother me , I am a very BUSY dyslexic,Who tends not to wear her reading glasses( yep, I am a mess when it comes to typing)
and I tend to hit wrong keys and miss spell,OH well.
I am glad Sam has always gotten a kick out of it, I've been teased for years- won't stop now! lol!
Sam, said he had seen your Thread and it was still here.
And so it was.
have a Great Night,

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March 19, 2007


Sharon Day
  Mike, just don't respond to those who don't have a gallery. The resident wisenheimer that likes to troll the Q&A does not have a gallery.

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March 19, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Actually Debby, there's a set of colored lenses (no not rose colored), that any eye doctor can prescribe for dyslexic patients. From what I understand, the particular color of the lenses, about the equivalent of a #12 yellow I guess, seem to help dyslexics view the letters, etc., in the proper sequence. Just thought I'd mention it. You might check it out. :>)

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March 19, 2007


Charlene Bayerle
  I don't get this thread.....
Mark comes up with great information, to help everyone on this site and within minutes, there are arguments. And they don't even make sense or do they have anything to do with Marks information!!!!!
Debby, I don't get what you are trying to say at all!!! It doesnt make any sense.
Why don't we just say "thank you" to Mark for informing us!!!!

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March 19, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
The thread got split by accident or...
so yes it is getting confussing.
and it does tend to be another issue that not everyone agres and thats ok.

Mark, Thanks for the info, I had heard, I hate to say I am having a hard time getting used to all the changes in this last couple years, Blood presure, Glasses, Breathing issues, What a pain!
and thought I am not yelling at you in caps anymore and thats good, I still have those days I just dn't slide those glasses on before sitting down at the computer.
I know I am a pain!
Oh I know you would never agree, thats why I'll just admit it.lo,lol,lol
I will try harder, but some do tend to enjoy my puzzles,lol
Have a great night,

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March 19, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Clarification for Charlene, and anybody else.
Mark made a thread about ads, came back another night and saw it was taken from the site.
Or so he thought.
Started another thread about censorship and not being able to freely criticize or voice an opinion about stuff on the site.
Turns out the thread about the ads is right here, but a couple of people have responded about the censorship thread and it's contents on this thread.
So, you have the disconnect.

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March 19, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  I tend to agree Charlene, and thanks for the support, although I don't mind a really good open argument. And thanks to you as well Greg !!!

But now that I DO notice you've turned off your cap locks, I vow to be kinder and gentler to you, Debby and won't mention the spelling stuff again. Honest. :>)

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March 20, 2007

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