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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Sandra T. Visconty

Copyright Process?

It's been a long while since I was on this, but I have a question I thought you could answer. I am about to embark on making notecards from my photos and want them to be copyrighted. Can one of you tell me how this is done? I appreciate any advice. Thanks

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March 18, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Find form VA at Print out and read the form and the instructions, pay the filing fee, mail it to the copyright office in Washington, D.C. and there ya go.
Good luck

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March 18, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Another, more shady way to do it if you don't have the funds to pay the fees might be to make copies of the prints or negs (negatives prefered) and mail them to yourself and leave them marked but unopened. You have a postmark of negatives/prints in you possession with a date of ownership. Again, this is a really shady way to maybe get around copyright fees and should not be relied upon further than it feasible to pay the copyright filing fees, hopefully sooner than later. If you have the choice, do it Mark's way. It is sure fire and will avoid possible hardships down the line.

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March 19, 2007

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