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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Billy Touchberry

Photographer's Copyright Release

I know some of you frown on this, but for a premium fee I sell my clients a CD with the digital image so they can print to their heart's desire. Lately, and pleasantly surprising, though, my clients are running into problems with the local printers. Yesterday, for example, one of my clients took her CD into Wal-Mart for one hour prints. When she returned to pick them up they would not let her have them. They said the photos looked like professional images and if they sold them to her they could lose their job. My client was not happy about this.

Does anyone have a copyright release for this they would be willing to share?

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March 16, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  Good morning billy,
I do this all the time. the copyright release should just state that you and /or your company give authorization to the bearer of this document complete rights of Copy.
( mine states: for CD # A1001 photo date 3/17/2007)
I number and date all Cd stick on or printed on lables with a number.
This helps to ensure that that returning customer has to pay for that right to CD each time.
I still copy right each Image as it's author.
I do hope this helps,
Debby Tabb

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March 17, 2007


Billy Touchberry
  Thanks Debby

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March 18, 2007


Annette Leibovitz
  I see in an answer to a Better Photo question on copyright that you give clients a CD with images. I take pictures at events of 150-200 people. The client gets a basic book with 300-400 picutres. They can also upgrade to a Zookbook by Zookbinders. Now people are wanting a CD with the images. I have 2 questions: 1. Do you give them all of the images (cropped 4x6 and the original files) 2. Do you add a separate fee for the CD? I am having a hard time deciding how much to charge for this. I am thinking of $150.00? If I just give the 4x6 pictures than they can try to make some into larger pictures. They may still need me to make a larger picture back from the original file. Does this make sense? Thanks, Annette

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March 25, 2007



I do the same thing, but my clients have to purchase a package first, then they can purchase 10 photos for $150 on CD (then $10 per photo after that).

I use CD's you can print on, and on the actual CD I will print:

Smiths High Resolution CD

It will also have my logo on it, and basic instructions if they want to convert any of the images to B&W. I haven't had any clients with issues.

But I say, bravo to the printer for challenging it, cause too many people get away with copyright.

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March 25, 2007


Billy Touchberry
  This is one example of how I do it...

"Quick-Take Package"

$25.00 sitting fee.
No change of outfit.
I take several shots posed slightly differently. Provide the client with a proof book, usually with 5 or 6 proofs. The client tells me which photo they want. Included in the $25, I give them a CD with the image they chose, cropped for wallet, 4x6, 5x7, and 8x10. I charge them $20.00 each for any additional images they want on the CD (all cropped as stated above.)

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March 26, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
each one has to run thier studio as they wish there is NO right or Wrong.
your location and compition will play a role.
I would price check Billy to see what others in your area are charging , that is if you haven't already.
Your idea seems abit low to me.
A really good portrait sitting, should include several shots posed very differently- remember the more verity , bigger sales I give 5-7 backgrounds and 3 distinctively different poses on each.
you don't have to have 7 different backgrounds use gels and dramtic lighting to change the apperance.
each background gets say 3 poses:
full body, 3/4 and a head shot.
or family group: family/ then mom & dad/ kids. or mom w/girl and DAd w/boys.
times it by 7 there is 21 poses.
all this is in the
"Studio Photography Threads"
There are other great posing and session ideas there to help operate a studio from people who started there and are really running successful studios: Laura O'connor, Michele Ross, Betsy Labuschagne, and others.


I do hope this helps,

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March 26, 2007


Billy Touchberry
  The pricing has worked well for me for this "Quick-Take" option.

The low price of $25.00 is the "hook" that gets them there. I schedule several families for the date. I take several poses of each family which takes less than 10 minutes each. When they see the 5 or six proofs, almost all of them order more than one pose. I usually average about $100.00 for the session for each family.

I'm not a studio photographer. I much prefer the outdoors and specialize in natural light photography. I just need some kind of printed document that I can give my clients along with the cd as proof that they have purchased the copyright from me and can legally reproduce the prints included on the cd.

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March 26, 2007

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