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Photography Question 

Linda Finstad

Event Photography

Hi - can anyone give me any hints and tips, I have been asked to cover a folk music festival as the event photographer. It is not till June so I do have a little time to think about how to approach this.
I have a canon 5D and 24 - 105, 17 - 85, big white 200 zoom, and 50mm prime lenses.
My favorite lens is what I call my portrait lens the 24 - 105 mainly because of its size and flexibility. However I have never covered a festival so I dont really know where to start and would really appreciate any tips and sugestions from those who have done something like this,

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March 08, 2007


Samuel Smith
  hey linda,
who asked you?
maybe they mentioned a criteria.maybe they thought you knew what you were doing.kinda left that out.
anyway,what would you as the promoter want photos of?i'm,thinking here,as maybe the sponser,should I include this?sponsers want their logo in the background,depends on aperture selected as to wether it's sharp,or at least near focus.
maybe they are more intent on the headliner.wether candid or not,you need to have a take on the festival.
you can do this linda,if you don't question yourself.
gee you didn't say what time of day it will take place,lens speed,flash,your intended iso because you may have to handhold for all photos.
settle down and say yes,sam

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March 08, 2007


Linda Finstad
  Hi Samuel

So far I have very few details of the event but it does run day and night for 3 days,I anticipate all the shots being hand held.
I have some experience of outdoor events - although the subject and focus is completely different. In the summer I attend horse shows and take pictures of the competitors (I am the official show photographer - so I have access to all the arenas)these images I post on my web site for sale. However I know the kind of shot that will appeal to the horse owner and which shots they will buy, so that is what I really focus on getting from the day.
Occasionally I will get an artsy shot but they are usually for my pleasure.
For that I usually pick a shutter speed that will stop the action and then play with the apature as the daylight changes.for ISO I usually set it to 200 - all the prints I sell are 8 x 10
Perhaps this is a very simplistic approach but it works for horses that are moving / jumping etc.
I have said yes to the job.
But really would appreciate some guidance from someone who has covered a music festival.
Have you done any music festivals?

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March 09, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You cover the bands, you cover the crowds listening to the bands, you get anybody who's dancing. You cover the vendors if they have anything that makes a good picture. You get anybody who's dressed funny or stands out.
Use the stage lights at night. Then you get all the hand shake pictures, band with the person who invited them to the festival type pictures on the side.

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March 09, 2007


Linda Finstad
  Hi Gregory
Thank you for your input that really helps.
I think I will print off your reply and take it with me as a reminder.

I went to look at your web site - great pictures, I love the sports shots, how did you manage to take such great shots indoors??? what equipment / settings did you use

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March 09, 2007


Samuel Smith
  hey linda,
don't forget a backup camera.ya never didn't mention a flash.extra batteries and cards.
also you might want to check with the folks who hire you as to wether you will be able to use any or all photos taken for personal could be a general release printed on the tickets or maybe signs posted at the entrances.

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March 09, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I light it with two strobes I bounce off the ceiling.

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March 09, 2007


Jerry Frazier
  Hey Gregory, doesn't that hurt your head?

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March 10, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I wear a helmet.

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March 11, 2007


Linda Finstad
  Hi Gregory,
Thanks for your imput - I really appreciuate all the help and support.
I have studio strobes and soft boxes but I have never taken them to an event(kind of scared to - in case someone knocks them over)Plus most of my events so far have been horse shows and dog agility events. Becacuse of the low light indoors I kind of steer away from the winter events and wait for the outdoor summer events , plus the organisers wouldnt allow strobes they are not that keen on just regular flash.
But for my music festival it might be an option for the stage area - I must admit I am still very nervous about them getting knocked over and hurting someone. What kind of strobes do you use? - I have alien bees

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March 11, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I wouldn't take them to a music festival, and I don't think you'll need them. Only time I can see you needing them is for a back stage area where all the performers go to get a picture taken.
Horse shows, you'd have to mount them somewhere like a rail up near the top rows if you ever thought about bringing them to that kind of event. Then you'd need remotes, and they'd need to be strong enough for the distance.
The music festival, daylight and then the stage lights for night time. And a flash for any walking around stuff at night. But a festival I picture in my head some places when you can use available light from neon.
My strobes are elinchroms.

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March 11, 2007


Shirley Fairley
  Have you tried a monopod?
It let's you be really lexible witha steadier hand.
You might look into hiring someone to help you out with this.

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April 12, 2007

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