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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

paola A. Jofre

Desktop images

Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows about Desktop images.

I am trying to put together an introduction package for possible sales in my products. I was thinking as a free gift to put in a CD with two images to select. I have tried to resize and cut the resolutiong in them but I am wondering if there is a standard size and resolution for such an image?
thank you :)

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February 26, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  By Desktop Images you mean wallpaper for their computer?

If so then there are all sorts of monitors and screen resolutions that not everyone has.

there are standard and widescreen monitors as well:

There are always exceptions. I know my MacBook Pro runs something around 1440x?

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February 28, 2007


paola A. Jofre
  Hi Michael, yes I meant wallpaper. Is there a set resolution should it be like online 72dpi or 250dpi?

thank you for your help Michael :)

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March 01, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  You mind as well go for the gold and give them a 250 dpi image. It will look sharper but they could also turn around and print it if they want. If that isn't an issue then go ahead with the larger file. It will just make your work look even better.

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March 02, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  One other thing,

put your logo or give yourself credit in the corner of the image. Free advertising for all who see and use their computer. They could take it to work and put it on their desktop there or whatever.

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March 02, 2007


paola A. Jofre
  Great idea Michael! My fear and I am sure many others is that someone will print their images or tamper with them. The goal is to just use for wallpaper, hoping they don't try to print it. I will add my website on the corner, thanks for tip :)

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March 02, 2007

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