BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 
- Nevia Cashwell

Contact Nevia Cashwell
Nevia Cashwell's Gallery

Studio Business License Needed?

I have recently rented studio space in a privately owned building in which there are about 75 other artists and photographers also renting studio space. My plan, after some remodeling and painting, is to exhibit and hopefully sell some of my photographs. Do I need a business license to sell photos from my studio? Is it dependent on state/locality (Virginia) and/or dollar value of total sales? Thanks in advance for any input provided.

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February 23, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  The answer is probably "yes you do". You're actually a set-up to be visited by the local county tax collector, assessor, fire inspector, ad infinitum, by virtue of your location with all those other artists and photographers.
To get the straight scoop, contact the local county clerk's office or talk to the business license desk person at the city business license office. Tell them what you're proposing, and ask them whether you need a business license, among other permits oh yeah, and premise liability and business insurance.
Take it light.

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February 23, 2007

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