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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Stephanie D. Moon

mounting, matting, & selling prints

Hi all, I have been contacted by someone who wants to buy a print. I was very surprised and was not expecting this. My problem is I don't know much about having a print properly mounted and matted and all that. I know this can be outsourced. I have been trying to do some research to find out how much this will cost me so I can come up with a price for her. I was thinking maybe $20 for 8x10 matted to 5x7, $28 for 11x14 matted to 8x10, and $35 for 16X20 matted to 11x14. Does this sound right? I just don't know very much at all about the mounting and matting process. I would appreciate any thoughts.

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February 17, 2007


John H. Siskin
  Hi Stephanie,
Well you could learn to do this for yourself, but if this is not something you expect to do frequently then sending it out is a good idea. I would find some one who will custom mat for you and use Rag or Museum board. This board will make your image last longer. In general if you buy wholesale I would charge triple your costs. If you buy retail then I would price at 1.5 times cost or double cost. Of course that is just the price for the mat, not the print.
Thanks, John Siskin

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February 17, 2007


John Rhodes
  Hi Stephanie, First of all--your terminology "8x109 matted to 5x7" should be reversed--"5x7 matted to 8x10" would be correct.

John S. is correct about using rag or museum board. This will cost you more, but it speaks to your concern about your artwork. You might want to check to see what the cost would be for archival mat and backer (use 4-ply archival backer board for the sizes you mentioned).

I sell at art festivals and through galleries and the prices vary according to where I sell--less for festivals; more at galleries. For festivals, I sell an 8 x 12 archivally matted and bagged for $30. Cost to me is about a third or less. Check to see what others in your area sell their work for.

You can learn about matting and mounting by internet research or by seeking advice from someone local. You might consider joining a local art association--that could help you in all aspects of offering your images for sale.


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February 17, 2007


Stephanie D. Moon
  Thank you both for your help. I will check out John R., where do you get the bags you put the prints in?

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February 17, 2007


Stephanie D. Moon
  Nevermind. I answered my own question when I went to unless you have other suggestions. Thanks Again.

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February 17, 2007


John Rhodes
  Hi Stephanie, You can get bags from matcutter, but I have always gone to for the bags. Be sure to select "protective closure bags" under the "Crystal Clear Bags" menu that have the sealing strip on the bag rather than the flap. This makes resealing much easier.

Please feel free to contact me for further info.


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February 18, 2007


Stephanie D. Moon
  thanks John. I will check that out too.

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February 18, 2007

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